February 25, 2006

Responsibility or Response Ability #26

It is about taking ownership of what we think, say, and do. We have to own the result of this, we cannot refer, or defer it on some one else.

What is the expression the 'blood is on your hands', or 'I wash my hands of the responsibility', 'my hands are clean'

We are constantly having our buttons pressed by the BBB&G's Doctrine:
Devour/divide and conquer
Teach them to "want"
Eliminate free will
Promulgate atheism
Subjugate women
Subjugate men
Create False Prophets
Crucify The Christ
Abolish Love of Self
Abdicate The Spiritual
Teach Fear

With these techniques we experience non sense, instead of common sense, We participate in the drama they created, and we are made to feel responsible for poverty, starvation, sickness, illiteracy, but we are not the creators of this, we are just the ignorant players in this reality drama, not able to be the true man!

We are made to feel guilty, we are asked for donations to help, if we only realized that we are just being made to react, jump to their agenda, and if they were true men it wouldn't be happening this way.

We are asked to donate for medical research, but who is responsible for our compromised health, as we have a compromised food chain, compromised air, and water, so how can we have a healthy immune system, and let alone a healthy body, and mind, we are being turned into robots, not being able to think clearly, in a state of non sense.

How can we eliminate all this, but by eliminating the multinationals, the BBB&G's, become self sufficient, and become our sovereign selves.

The True Man Show #25

All I am worried about is being a true man:

1. true to myself,
2. true to others,
3. and true to the land, planet, solar system, and ultimately the universe, and its creator.

Because of the unified field theory is that really us, you, me, everyone. So it really is about the battle for mass consciousness, and making sure we only have 10% activated at anyone time. If the big secret is really about this, about becoming true men, 100% human, fully activated. All the DNA/RNA working, as the known DNA/RNA is mapped, the question goes begging what potential does the unmapped have.