March 14, 2007

Christs in Amnesia #40

So Christ said 'you can be like me'.

Could he see, or know something that we didn't? Was he already hinting, or straight out telling us this about two thousand years ago? Were we too asleep to get it then? Are we still too asleep to get it now?

So will Jesus walk this planet again? Maybe? But , could we be walking on this planet as christs if enough of us awaken?

Is this the time that creator (father) gives us an opportunity to become more enlightened, stop the non sense, and find common sense in everything around us, and in us.

So unless we have the heart, and mind of a child, do we enter the inner kingdom, the place where christ resides, then ultimately, if we continue growing spiritually, where god resides.

So is this how we stop being anti-christ, by going within, and start giving, and showing, unconditional love, gratitude, and compassion.