July 05, 2010

All That Is Guilt Is Not Golden #55

So what about guilt? We all carry around unconscious guilt. To heal our body, and especially our mind we have to rid ourselves of this guilt to help us change.

So how do we rid ourselves of this unconscious guilt. As I say there are only two state of existence, non sense, and common sense. When we in the state of common sense we acknowledge, respect that we are all one with Holy Spirit, when we are in the the state of non sense we are in ego mind, where we judge, and give people labels, and describe with all the adjectives with our judgement, and even project our guilt upon them. People become our mirror. So we have to forgive them, and so in forgiving them we forgive ourselves (and our unconscious guilt), because we are one with Holy Spirit.

We have to forgive those moments that we perpetuate the non sense in our lives, and in the lives of others. This is one of the ways that we can change the way that we react to our world that we have to live in. This the way to change the world as we will not be creating the negativity that it creates fear, but we want only love. Love is the most precious thing for Holy Spirit, and we then create our golden age.

For Things To Change....#54

How does that motivational training mantra go?

For things to change I first must change.

So just going to the words that most westerners know.

'do unto others as you want them to do unto you'

'what you do to one you do to all'

'what you do to others you do to me ((wholly)Holy Spirit)'

So it is about the power of one, and as we are all one in Holy Spirit it starts with me, and in me. So to have world peace, I first must have inner peace.