November 16, 2010

Did You Get Your Two Cents (Sense) Worth #59

I would like my two cents (sense) worth in the outer kingdom but all they want us to trade with is non sense. Common sense is not in the exchange system, or in the vocabulary, or in the thought system, and it is made clear it is not wanted in this present reality. I feel short changed because I don't want non sense, I don't exchange non sense with any one.

Beware anyone who wants it in this thought system, and want to use your common sense. You will be labelled a mental case, and certifiable, medicated with pharmaceuticals, on top of what you already ingest through the corporate food chain. Further to that the corporations through their lobbyists are making health supplements go through rigorous testing just like pharmaceutical drugs, make them so much more expensive because of the price paid to have them fit for human consumption.

Soon it will be illegal to grow your own vegetables, so no removing the one thing that that makes us sick off the shopping list; the super market.

Human life has been so devalued. It has been debased down to one cent (sense) non sense, and this is were they want us to remain. They use their weapon of mass deception, the media, making us live in fear, and in ignorance.