November 26, 2010

Inner and Outer Kingdoms? #60

If this life is an illusion then everything that happens only happens in our mind, then there are really no inner or outer kingdoms. Just living in ego mind, or right mind. The illusion is in ego mind were we think we live in physicality, and other dimensions. It is imperfect, with disease, greed, enslavement, destruction, death, and lifelong suffering of the masses, just like hell, with those in power giving us false hope, with benefits for the few, and not the many. But if we live in right mind we see the illusion, remember and know that we have not left god, that this is heaven, and we know there is only really one mind, one part of it is awake, and other part is asleep. The asleep part is the dream of ego mind, where we think everything is real.

There is really only one truth, this life we are leading is an illusion this separation from god. We have not left. This is just a dream from which we have to awaken from. Ascension is just the long way to return to source.

The best way to leave the illusion is to pray, silently, no words required, through visualizing that we leave everything behind (all our material possessions, our false idols), and just love god, and visualize merging with him, returning to source, being in total oneness.

November 16, 2010

Did You Get Your Two Cents (Sense) Worth #59

I would like my two cents (sense) worth in the outer kingdom but all they want us to trade with is non sense. Common sense is not in the exchange system, or in the vocabulary, or in the thought system, and it is made clear it is not wanted in this present reality. I feel short changed because I don't want non sense, I don't exchange non sense with any one.

Beware anyone who wants it in this thought system, and want to use your common sense. You will be labelled a mental case, and certifiable, medicated with pharmaceuticals, on top of what you already ingest through the corporate food chain. Further to that the corporations through their lobbyists are making health supplements go through rigorous testing just like pharmaceutical drugs, make them so much more expensive because of the price paid to have them fit for human consumption.

Soon it will be illegal to grow your own vegetables, so no removing the one thing that that makes us sick off the shopping list; the super market.

Human life has been so devalued. It has been debased down to one cent (sense) non sense, and this is were they want us to remain. They use their weapon of mass deception, the media, making us live in fear, and in ignorance.

November 14, 2010

More on Make Believe #58

We have to live in the dream of just a few, in their illusion, their 'make believe', and they are afraid that we will work it out and start making this dream or illusion our 'make believe', when we start doing what our great teacher taught us through his sayings over two thousand years ago. It is the case of the mind over matter.

Life follows the shape of the bell curve. the majority (living in amnesia of who they are) living the reality of the few, the 'illusionists' (or as some call them Illuminati) where might is right. They will try and maintain their illusion, and world of make believe 'by hook , or by crook', as they do not play their roles in their illusion fairly, as BBB&G's. The teachers walking the talk through their words, and actions at one end, and the Illusionist with their make believe, their swords, and weapons of mass deception at the other. We say 'no one in their right mind would do that' and practice common sense acknowledging that we are all one, and remembering our elders saying 'where is your common sense'.

Those old sayings certainly say a lot!

It is a war for our mind. they want us living in their outer kingdom, the chaos , their non sense where it is the principle of divide and conquer, never living or even glimpsing that there is this inner kingdom. They certainly want us living in ego mind, and just thinking about me, and survival of me, and survival of my family. The corrupted mind over matter, 'I don't mind, and you don't matter'. It is a war against every one, and the 'power of one' of every one. The power that awakens when we enter the inner kingdom, and try and bring it out to the outer kingdom, and make heaven on earth. Those at the other end of the bell curve forbid it to the point of persecution, and have even created martyrs of us, or marginalized us so that our words, and actions are made to seem crazy, and not of their reality.

The majority do have a chance every 26 000 years to awaken to full consciousness on this planet when our solar system passes through the photon belt, and a great awakening happens, but it has the potential of either a a raising of consciousness, and a fall of consciousness, and it depends on the overlapping of several more cycles that are depicted in our famous standing stones, and calendars. We have a choice in this reality whether we rise or fall, but sometimes we are never given, or allowed to have or know there is the choice to rise.

We have to be careful of how we think. We have to learn to become emotionless, but not heartless, and cold blooded and activating our reptilian mind as David Icke writes about, and that is the inner most part of the brain. He says that ceremony, and (perhaps ritual) activates that part of the brain. We have to become calm, centered, and grounded, and I have found that by returning to the inner kingdom, acknowledging a common sense, acknowledging our oneness, and believing that that there is a power of one, everyone. As really there is only 'one', one son of god, one ego mind, and one right mind, and holy (wholly) spirit. Then knowing that what you do to one you really do to all, and really yourself. But then I am writing to the enlightened already.

So really heaven is the inner kingdom, the sovereign domain of those in their right mind communing with Wholly Spirit (our higher selves, the common sense), and the outer kingdom is hell, the domain of ego mind where nothing can be perfect, or immortal, with the feeling we have been abandoned by god. We are part of god, we are the ones we are waiting for, we are only awaiting the return to full consciousness, our awakening.

Response Ability Again #57

I have been learning to suppress my response ability of how I react to what is happening in this reality as we know it, so in other words I am changing the way I am looking at people, and the world, not trying to change the world, but changing the way I look at the world. I thought I knew everything about enlightenment, and ascension but I discovered there was more!

I have also found I have come full circle, and back to Christian teachings of the new testament, and finding that they really had the answers there all along, but finding them in the parts not emphasized. But after studying lots of other paths, masters, and even religions certain teachings just jumped out at me, and I had a few ah ha moments, or as they say epiphanies.

I am going to share them again:

The father and I are one, the kingdom of god is within, unless you have the heart and mind of a child can you enter the kingdom, you can do as I do and more, god is everywhere, do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.

Catholics make the sign of the cross while saying 'father, son, and holy ghost' was another epiphany for me and out popped the thought Creator, created, and wholly(Holy) spirit. So this then got me to the point of the two sense worth. They being non sense, and common sense. I further came to the conclusion that they are two different minds, non sense being ego mind, and common sense being right mind

The only conclusion from this was we are spirit having a human experience trying to remember who we are, and all related by being part of spirit, so we are one, with the power of one, what we do to one we do to ALL. So everyone is just another multi dimensional version of spirit, and me, so what ever they do I must forgive them.

Forgive them father for they know not what they do

So this is why I have been very quiet for a couple of years, till now, but I have been reading. So I was having some very real forgiveness opportunities (FO), and some unsolicited forgiveness opportunities (UFO)as well.

So what triggered this radical change? Just by chance I was attending a fortnightly workshop at our local community health center called 'tools for life', run by a very enlightened matron of the local hospital. The town is quite small, less than a thousand residents. Every fortnight she would put out books, dvd's and cd's to borrow. One session she put out six copies of 'The Disappearance Of The Universe' written by Gary. R. Renard, and that book just put everything together for me. It so put things together, that friends, and like minded acquaintances have been receiving gifts of the book. I also realized that I knew, and had been doing some of theses things some of the time, but not all of the time.

A quick review of the book, the author was visited by two ascended master who started to say they wanted to elaborate on the book "A Course in Miracles", and the reason for it, and they explain it in very simple understandable language, and Gary was asked to write as fiction, not as non fiction. So they say that the quickest way to leave this illusion 3d is to practice forgiveness, and in forgiving others you are forgiving yourself because we are all wholly spirit.

So there is my two sense worth, and yes I know that family is the hardest to awaken, as well as the people in your life, be they friends, work colleagues, but they are the best forgiveness opportunity as well. We shouldn't judge others for their lack of enlightenment, because we are one, and as there is only time as we know it in this outer kingdom, when we get back to source, wholly spirit merged with source we will realize we are all together, we were never apart. As Gary writes, and the course says, it was just a crazy idea that separated us from GOD. So non sense, ego mind, is the outer kingdom separate from GOD, and the inner kingdom is common sense, right mind, and the inner kingdom, one with Holy Spirit, and GOD.

July 19, 2010

One For All, and All For One #56

Alex Dumas wrote the book 'The Three Musketeers' and the most memorable part of the book were the words uttered by the musketeers when they did their work for the kingdom, 'one for all, and all for one'. I don't remember whether I have it in the right order, but I don't think that matters.

It should be the catch phrase for all those battling to enter the inner kingdom. As the outer kingdom is all based on ego mind, and non sense, and the inner kingdom is based on right mind, and common sense, it is a battle to destroy, and crush our spirit, and the memory of being wholly spirit. It is 'make believe' (an illusion) that everything we need is external, and separate, not internal, and connected.

This existence would cease to exist, and the ego driven mind, as there is only one ego mind would all loose their power over us. It will be a case of 'I don't mind, and you don't Matter', I would stop giving my power to create this outer kingdom. I always wondered why it was so hard to convince some one in ego mind, and a position of power that everything should be done for the highest good, and how they deviously create problems, where the solutions can never be for the highest good of the many, just for the good of a few.

We have to start being the observer of this reality, and stop reacting to the fear that is being created to distract us from wholly spirit. We have to become emotionless, calm, centred, and grounded, find our inner peace, that peace that reminds us that we are one with wholly spirit.

The hardest thing to do is to forgive those existing in ego mind, those ones who have become our best teachers, and our best lessons in the university of hard knocks. It is hard to make the quantum leap that in forgiving them you are forgiving yourself, because we are all one, 'one for all, and all for one'.

July 05, 2010

All That Is Guilt Is Not Golden #55

So what about guilt? We all carry around unconscious guilt. To heal our body, and especially our mind we have to rid ourselves of this guilt to help us change.

So how do we rid ourselves of this unconscious guilt. As I say there are only two state of existence, non sense, and common sense. When we in the state of common sense we acknowledge, respect that we are all one with Holy Spirit, when we are in the the state of non sense we are in ego mind, where we judge, and give people labels, and describe with all the adjectives with our judgement, and even project our guilt upon them. People become our mirror. So we have to forgive them, and so in forgiving them we forgive ourselves (and our unconscious guilt), because we are one with Holy Spirit.

We have to forgive those moments that we perpetuate the non sense in our lives, and in the lives of others. This is one of the ways that we can change the way that we react to our world that we have to live in. This the way to change the world as we will not be creating the negativity that it creates fear, but we want only love. Love is the most precious thing for Holy Spirit, and we then create our golden age.

For Things To Change....#54

How does that motivational training mantra go?

For things to change I first must change.

So just going to the words that most westerners know.

'do unto others as you want them to do unto you'

'what you do to one you do to all'

'what you do to others you do to me ((wholly)Holy Spirit)'

So it is about the power of one, and as we are all one in Holy Spirit it starts with me, and in me. So to have world peace, I first must have inner peace.

June 26, 2010

Second Take on Original Sin #53

Roman Catholics are taught that everyone is born with original sin. Sin from the 'Greek' means mistake. So what was our original mistake. Our mind had a choice between body, and spirit. A choice between right mind, and ego mind. Right mind is spirit, and ego mind created matter, and physicality, and the universe.

As we are in body, and taught Christianity teaches of the trinity of 'Father, Son, and Holy Spirit' what does this mean? Is this what is the 'Meaning of Life'? What are we to discover about ourselves? Is it a human having a spiritual experience, or are we spirit having a human experience?

It is really the experience of the 'Father and I are One' meaning Father (Creator), Son (Created), and Wholly Spirit. There is no separation from god for anyone, we are all part of Holy Spirit.

So the non sense is the body, and its ego mind, and the common sense is the spirit, and its right mind. How much simpler can we get? The way to to return to the Holy Spirit is through forgiveness, and forgiving ourselves for forgetting, or not remembering who we were.

June 25, 2010

Why Fear God? #52

Why do you fear god? Because you were taught so from the pulpit about the fire and brimstone, and read of the coming times of revelations! Well all the gospels say the kingdom of god is within should give you a clue. So who is found in the kingdom of god is a no brainer question. So the answer is God! So this means that Christians fear themselves, and those around them.

So what does the phrase mean 'the father and I are one', so creator, and created are one? Does this mean by fearing god you are separating yourself from god (as each are part of god), and therefore will not be able to enter the kingdom of god.

We have to join with Holy (Wholly) Spirit, be in communion with god, realizing that we are all brothers, and sister, all one all having a part of god within us. So there is only one ego mind (outer kingdom, and state of non sense), and one right mind as taught in A Course in Miracles, (in the inner kingdom, and state of common sense).

How do we stop fearing god, ourselves, and others? The tool is forgiveness as taught in A Course in Miracles. That is not all the story but that is a start, we have to forgive ourselves for the separation from Holy Spirit, and God, and as there is only one right mind, so there is only one god, but going by many different names.