The Greek philosophers used to not separate science and religion. I now agree with this, because I believe that it is mind over matter.
Speaking for myself I have found that I have always had an interest in both, and now I find that I actually work in both areas, building and upgrading computers, and doing specialized body work on people. The question is asked how can I mix the two. All I say it is just software (mind), and hardware (physical body)!
For the computer to work properly the software must instruct the hardware, and the hardware must be reliable for the software to run the applications. This is the same for our bodies, in that we must have a healthy body to have a healthy mind, and the opposite also applies mind must be healthy to have a healthy body.
The Greek also believed that we need to the elements of fire, water, air, and earth to be healthy, and Chinese added metal, could this be another source of energy called crystal power, as metal is half the component of crystal , or salt. The spiritualist talked about a sixth, ether.
The medical profession, and the dietitians believe we can only get energy from the earth through our food, breatharians from the air, and sun gazers from the sun. I will even go further and say that we get our spiritual power from the ether, and hence the sixth sense, if we are in the right belief system, or in the inner kingdom, and realize we are connected to everything, everyone, seen, and unseen, we are influenced by everything, and we affect it, through the power of one.
There are some that say we have more than one body, saying we have a mental, emotional, astral/etheric, and spiritual body. So if we acknowledge this as our belief system, do we get nourishment from alternate sources, and then can relinquish our reliance on just one.
So just think which is the most important one? Which is the one that we cannot live without for very long? Air! Followed by water, then food. Perhaps the breatharians are right, perhaps they are not, perhaps everything needs to be in balance.
All I will add is, if this is how it is, then why are 'the powers to be' allowing the land, water, and air to be polluted? Why no Kyoto Agreement? Are they in ignorance of this, or is it part of their agenda, and either ignoring the divine plan, or in ignorance of it, denying the light, and living in the dark, and us along with them!
November 27, 2005
November 24, 2005
Are We Alone #14
If we are the only intelligent life form, the universe is a whole lot of wasted space! I don't think so.
There are clues everywhere even in the bible if you read with this is in mind, 'when the gods descended from heaven', rock paintings all over the world, even the Dogon in Africa having knowledge of the twin stars of Sirius. How did they know? They were visited, or their ancestors were from the stars.
Do people really see Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), or are they hallucinating. If they are out there why are they waiting to invade this planet, or are they waiting to make contact?
If this is true, and they are technologically superior, yes what are they waiting for. Why haven't they invaded us? They could have done it a long time ago with out much trouble, but I don't think this is the case.
I think they are waiting for us to become more peaceful before they try and make contact. I think we can learn much from such a more evolved race of beings, who cares what they look like, as long as they come in peace, as brethren of god.
Questions, but no answers, perhaps we just have forgotten who we really are, we have forgotten where we came from, and that the answers are locked within us, waiting to be activated, for the line of communication to be opened when we open the doorway within, and we will see and hear all our brethren in all the other kingdoms, and communicate freely with all the creatures in them.
There are clues everywhere even in the bible if you read with this is in mind, 'when the gods descended from heaven', rock paintings all over the world, even the Dogon in Africa having knowledge of the twin stars of Sirius. How did they know? They were visited, or their ancestors were from the stars.
Do people really see Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), or are they hallucinating. If they are out there why are they waiting to invade this planet, or are they waiting to make contact?
If this is true, and they are technologically superior, yes what are they waiting for. Why haven't they invaded us? They could have done it a long time ago with out much trouble, but I don't think this is the case.
I think they are waiting for us to become more peaceful before they try and make contact. I think we can learn much from such a more evolved race of beings, who cares what they look like, as long as they come in peace, as brethren of god.
Questions, but no answers, perhaps we just have forgotten who we really are, we have forgotten where we came from, and that the answers are locked within us, waiting to be activated, for the line of communication to be opened when we open the doorway within, and we will see and hear all our brethren in all the other kingdoms, and communicate freely with all the creatures in them.
Outside Influences? #13
Are there any outside influences? How about the planets, and the stars! Do the astrologists get it right, are the horoscopes true for you some of the time? Do we become lunatics at a full moon? How about the whole universe, if as christian teachings, and the scriptures say 'god is everywhere', so if we remember that god is within, and we are influenced by the universe, and everything in it if then we just allow it, and not fight it, use this influence to help us change, (we cannot assume that we are the only ones in it, as one line in the movie 'Contact' is is a lot of wasted space).
A bit like the two expressions when approaching the age of around forty, 'life begins at forty', or a 'mid life crisis'. Do we allow the changes in our body happen, or do we fight them. I allude to this being the awakening of spiritual power, and we can accept it, and use, or just ignore it, and go crazy with the manifestation of symptoms of it trying to waken us. So all we get is pain and suffering because it can't go where in our bodies to clear out all our negativity, and blocks to our growth on all levels. It can be used or directed for good, or evil, for self or others.
The Hindus taught about the yugas, and the astrologists talked of the twelve Ages, and we have just entered the Age of Aquarius, at the change to each era, or yuga they say is a great opportunity for change, meaning we can make this planet much better, or much worse.
It is up to us how this goes, it depends on this planets mass consciousness, on critical mass consciousness as to which new reality we get. Are there enough of us to make it much better this time.
A bit like the two expressions when approaching the age of around forty, 'life begins at forty', or a 'mid life crisis'. Do we allow the changes in our body happen, or do we fight them. I allude to this being the awakening of spiritual power, and we can accept it, and use, or just ignore it, and go crazy with the manifestation of symptoms of it trying to waken us. So all we get is pain and suffering because it can't go where in our bodies to clear out all our negativity, and blocks to our growth on all levels. It can be used or directed for good, or evil, for self or others.
The Hindus taught about the yugas, and the astrologists talked of the twelve Ages, and we have just entered the Age of Aquarius, at the change to each era, or yuga they say is a great opportunity for change, meaning we can make this planet much better, or much worse.
It is up to us how this goes, it depends on this planets mass consciousness, on critical mass consciousness as to which new reality we get. Are there enough of us to make it much better this time.
November 21, 2005
My Two Cents (Sense) Worth? #12
It is a funny expression isn't it? This expression only applies to those with decimal currency, and English speaking, but that is enough of the population. Or can it take on a whole new meaning if the sound stays the same, but the spelling is changed, is like playing charades!
My thought on it is that it should be two 'sense' worth. But which senses am I talking about? Not the ordinary five you are expecting, but 'common sense', and 'non sense' are the ones I mean. I suppose it is related, so I will elaborate.
Lets go deeper into the meaning. The senses imply that we connect or interact with things around us, especially the sixth (extra sensory perception) sense, so is this the one that connects us with common mind (universal mind), or universal consciousness, and hence our connection with like minded people, and ultimately god, and source, creator.
Non sense then would imply no connection to common or universal mind, so disconnected from everyone, so we don't play a part in creating our belief system and our reality. Is this what the powers to be want happening, us not contributing to universal mind or common sense.
Keep this in mind, because this is what the battle for the inner kingdom and ultimately reaching heaven is really about! This is really how we create heaven on earth, by reconnecting with common sense, common mind, or universal consciousness.
How do we get non sense? I think this happens when we are triggered into reacting in fear, and living in fear, creating our hell, and to reconnect with common sense by reacting with love, gratitude, and love (being calm, grounded, and centred, heart centred) we then reconnect with common/universal mind, and ultimately source, and creator.
So which is the 'chosen' sense which you are going to use in everyday life?
I choose 'common sense'!! So lets stop supporting the charades the powers to be are creating with their reality and them creating non sense, and lets us reconnect with that common sense reality!
My thought on it is that it should be two 'sense' worth. But which senses am I talking about? Not the ordinary five you are expecting, but 'common sense', and 'non sense' are the ones I mean. I suppose it is related, so I will elaborate.
Lets go deeper into the meaning. The senses imply that we connect or interact with things around us, especially the sixth (extra sensory perception) sense, so is this the one that connects us with common mind (universal mind), or universal consciousness, and hence our connection with like minded people, and ultimately god, and source, creator.
Non sense then would imply no connection to common or universal mind, so disconnected from everyone, so we don't play a part in creating our belief system and our reality. Is this what the powers to be want happening, us not contributing to universal mind or common sense.
Keep this in mind, because this is what the battle for the inner kingdom and ultimately reaching heaven is really about! This is really how we create heaven on earth, by reconnecting with common sense, common mind, or universal consciousness.
How do we get non sense? I think this happens when we are triggered into reacting in fear, and living in fear, creating our hell, and to reconnect with common sense by reacting with love, gratitude, and love (being calm, grounded, and centred, heart centred) we then reconnect with common/universal mind, and ultimately source, and creator.
So which is the 'chosen' sense which you are going to use in everyday life?
I choose 'common sense'!! So lets stop supporting the charades the powers to be are creating with their reality and them creating non sense, and lets us reconnect with that common sense reality!
November 17, 2005
'The 144 000 ' #11
In the early days when the Jehovah Witnesses used to door knock they always used to talk of the 144 000. But their slant on it was that only that number of souls were to be saved.
Unfortunately my answer at the time was 'make sure you are one of the 144 000'!
Later on I heard an explanation that is the number of souls the earth needs for reaching critical mass for change of consciousness, and thus a change in belief system for mankind.
Did 'the powers to be' know this, and this why we had so much religious persecution to make sure that critical mass was never achieved. Was this why the 36 books were removed, and later given back to us (unchanged I hope)?
Today I have an additional understanding of the number, which is the 144 000 have always been with us, and perhaps 'the powers to be' knew this, and never wanted us to reach critical mass, and change of consciousness. These 144 000 where persecuted, and executed so that man kind wouldn't reach critical mass and have the change of belief system.
There are some that talk of the 'one hundredth monkey effect'. Were it is claimed one monkey started washing her sweet potato, and very soon all the monkeys on that island started doing the same. It was alter noticed that monkeys on another island out of sight of this one started to do the same!
A TV Program posed a puzzle for viewers to solve. Result, no solution by viewers. The solution was leaked in a location some time later, and within in days the solution was being discovered by others around the world.
Is this what Jung, and Freud were talking about with the 'universal mind' concept.
I had an experience with an invention that I wanted to patent. I told no one. It never reached the point of signing a none disclosure agreement, so I only had it my head as a concept. About 12 months later in an international mail order catalog was the same product just as I had envisaged it. So using the universal mind concept, whose idea was it really someone else’s, or mine?
So be careful what you think, is all I can say! Remember those two things we like to say 'it will come back to me', and 'just a passing thought'? You do! I think we already knew! So where did it go, and where would it come from, perhaps that 'universal mind'?
Unfortunately my answer at the time was 'make sure you are one of the 144 000'!
Later on I heard an explanation that is the number of souls the earth needs for reaching critical mass for change of consciousness, and thus a change in belief system for mankind.
Did 'the powers to be' know this, and this why we had so much religious persecution to make sure that critical mass was never achieved. Was this why the 36 books were removed, and later given back to us (unchanged I hope)?
Today I have an additional understanding of the number, which is the 144 000 have always been with us, and perhaps 'the powers to be' knew this, and never wanted us to reach critical mass, and change of consciousness. These 144 000 where persecuted, and executed so that man kind wouldn't reach critical mass and have the change of belief system.
There are some that talk of the 'one hundredth monkey effect'. Were it is claimed one monkey started washing her sweet potato, and very soon all the monkeys on that island started doing the same. It was alter noticed that monkeys on another island out of sight of this one started to do the same!
A TV Program posed a puzzle for viewers to solve. Result, no solution by viewers. The solution was leaked in a location some time later, and within in days the solution was being discovered by others around the world.
Is this what Jung, and Freud were talking about with the 'universal mind' concept.
I had an experience with an invention that I wanted to patent. I told no one. It never reached the point of signing a none disclosure agreement, so I only had it my head as a concept. About 12 months later in an international mail order catalog was the same product just as I had envisaged it. So using the universal mind concept, whose idea was it really someone else’s, or mine?
So be careful what you think, is all I can say! Remember those two things we like to say 'it will come back to me', and 'just a passing thought'? You do! I think we already knew! So where did it go, and where would it come from, perhaps that 'universal mind'?
November 07, 2005
Spirals #10
We have those two expressions when things are going good or getting bad, the 'upward spiral' or 'downward spiral'. So if those expressions are older than the information presented in #5 (then it is all about the DNA, and how we activate it) that some have intuitively already giving us the answers.
So isn't it amazing that the upward spiral activates our DNA/RNA, and turns it on, creating magic miracles, and manifesting, putting us in a state of joy/grace. The downward spiral turns the DNA/RNA off.
So it is really true we are the masters of our destiny, we have to be careful how we think, if we do not have positive emotions we are killing ourselves. We are making ourselves unwell, by deactivating the DNA/RNA codes that control our body functions.
So I suppose the expressions 'fake it till you make it', and 'put on a happy face' have some merit, but ultimately it has to come from the 'heart', it has to be genuinely felt, and given, not artificial, but unconditional. In the beginning people will help you when you are faking it, but will eventually stop helping you when you can't take it to the next level of making it your 'flesh and blood', and be passionate about loving self, others, and the land.
I have found that people will be attracted to the love, or will be repelled. Some will feel it, and respond. I even had some one challenge me, asking what I was doing! I was puzzled at first, denying that I was doing anything, but when they insisted, I confessed that I was only radiating love.
What is the other expression 'first impressions count', so how do we get them, is there some unseen interaction? 'Love at first sight' is another one!
So isn't it amazing that the upward spiral activates our DNA/RNA, and turns it on, creating magic miracles, and manifesting, putting us in a state of joy/grace. The downward spiral turns the DNA/RNA off.
So it is really true we are the masters of our destiny, we have to be careful how we think, if we do not have positive emotions we are killing ourselves. We are making ourselves unwell, by deactivating the DNA/RNA codes that control our body functions.
So I suppose the expressions 'fake it till you make it', and 'put on a happy face' have some merit, but ultimately it has to come from the 'heart', it has to be genuinely felt, and given, not artificial, but unconditional. In the beginning people will help you when you are faking it, but will eventually stop helping you when you can't take it to the next level of making it your 'flesh and blood', and be passionate about loving self, others, and the land.
I have found that people will be attracted to the love, or will be repelled. Some will feel it, and respond. I even had some one challenge me, asking what I was doing! I was puzzled at first, denying that I was doing anything, but when they insisted, I confessed that I was only radiating love.
What is the other expression 'first impressions count', so how do we get them, is there some unseen interaction? 'Love at first sight' is another one!
November 06, 2005
What is FEAR #9
So what is FEAR? Is it an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real? Is that how 'the powers to be' manipulate, and control, by creating an enemy, creating a problem, creating a drama, distracting us. Is this their Weapon of Mass Deception (WMD)?
It is also their WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction because we will never be happy until we are allowed to experience that joy found within. We can only find it truly when we go to the 'Sacred Silence' or find 'Inner Peace'.
Are 'the powers to be' stopping us from going to that special place within, going into the inner kingdom where we can create a new reality using the power of creator, that new discovered energy called LOVE!
FEAR creates polarity, or duality, and eventually separation from one, everyone, because we are all connected through our own DNA, and when we activate it ALL we will communicate with ALL and That GOD/CREATOR is EVERYWHERE.
FEAR puts us in survival/preservation mode, traps us, distracts us, and puts us in Service to Self (STS) mode, instead of Service to Others (STO), it makes us think of staying alive, and living in the outer kingdom, no time to take trips to the inner kingdom, no time for holidays. No time for anyone, or anything else, except those immediately around you, family, and home!
It is also their WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction because we will never be happy until we are allowed to experience that joy found within. We can only find it truly when we go to the 'Sacred Silence' or find 'Inner Peace'.
Are 'the powers to be' stopping us from going to that special place within, going into the inner kingdom where we can create a new reality using the power of creator, that new discovered energy called LOVE!
FEAR creates polarity, or duality, and eventually separation from one, everyone, because we are all connected through our own DNA, and when we activate it ALL we will communicate with ALL and That GOD/CREATOR is EVERYWHERE.
FEAR puts us in survival/preservation mode, traps us, distracts us, and puts us in Service to Self (STS) mode, instead of Service to Others (STO), it makes us think of staying alive, and living in the outer kingdom, no time to take trips to the inner kingdom, no time for holidays. No time for anyone, or anything else, except those immediately around you, family, and home!
The 'Chosen' #8
In my study of religion I have heard the words the chosen ones, or the chosen race. We have different races or religions saying it is the chosen one. That the chosen ones are those that will experience the 'rapture'.
I think it is really about choice, exercising our free will, and whether we are going to create heaven or hell, living in the inner or outer kingdom.
If we enter the inner realm, that 'state of grace' where every one is sovereign, we are following the power of one, and experiencing our oneness with creator through the power of love, gratitude, and compassion, and the we find the joy within, this is bliss.
The 'Rapture' or 'Bliss Consciousness' is for the chosen, those that have chosen LOVE, gratitude, and compassion, and activate their DNA, the body then releases the neuropeptides, and makes us well, and feel good.
Have you 'CHOSEN', have you become one of the 'CHOSEN ONES'. It is as simple as bringing the inner out into the outer, making the subconscious more of the conscious, activating more of the DNA/RNA codes, to turn more of the hidden functions on, to get the magic into our lives. There is no barrier, there is no special skin colour, there is no special culture, or tribe, we each have the same door/portal to go within, and receive that 'state of grace' the 'rapture' as some must call it.
Here is the biggest cosmic joke, the kingdom of god is hidden in the best possible place, right under our noses!
I think it is really about choice, exercising our free will, and whether we are going to create heaven or hell, living in the inner or outer kingdom.
If we enter the inner realm, that 'state of grace' where every one is sovereign, we are following the power of one, and experiencing our oneness with creator through the power of love, gratitude, and compassion, and the we find the joy within, this is bliss.
The 'Rapture' or 'Bliss Consciousness' is for the chosen, those that have chosen LOVE, gratitude, and compassion, and activate their DNA, the body then releases the neuropeptides, and makes us well, and feel good.
Have you 'CHOSEN', have you become one of the 'CHOSEN ONES'. It is as simple as bringing the inner out into the outer, making the subconscious more of the conscious, activating more of the DNA/RNA codes, to turn more of the hidden functions on, to get the magic into our lives. There is no barrier, there is no special skin colour, there is no special culture, or tribe, we each have the same door/portal to go within, and receive that 'state of grace' the 'rapture' as some must call it.
Here is the biggest cosmic joke, the kingdom of god is hidden in the best possible place, right under our noses!
November 05, 2005
Know Thyself #7
What does this mean, how do we do it, where do we have to be?
Some clues! The Indians call it the 'Sacred Silence', others call it 'Inner Peace', 'The Void', 'The Nothing', 'Zero/Null Point', 'Infinity', 'Ego less', and 'Second Death'.
Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace:
The hearts of a great many have already have been exposed, and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has up till now been a fairly stable condition of conflict and violence in our world
Here are some signs and symptoms of inner peace:
1. A tendency to act and think spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience.
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
3. A loss of interest in judging oneself.
4. A loss of interest in interpreting the action of others.
5. A loss of ability to worry (this is a very serious symptom).
6. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
7. Contented feelings of connectedness.
8. Frequent attacks of smiling.
9. An increased susceptibility to love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend this love.
So if you are not in this space you cannot listen to your inner voice your own connection to creator, everyone has there own connection, so we can ask, and we can listen for answers, as to what is expected of us. We don't need any one to tell us this knowing, and ultimately knowing this connection is the most important thing in our life, and this is what we come down to earth to remember again, and how many life times have we tried to do it, Countless no doubt! Some of us have the fortune, or misfortune to remember your previous reincarnation, remember your mistakes, and learn from your mistakes, so that you can make a different choice in this place of experiencing free will.
'Thy will be done'
So be careful how you think!!
Some clues! The Indians call it the 'Sacred Silence', others call it 'Inner Peace', 'The Void', 'The Nothing', 'Zero/Null Point', 'Infinity', 'Ego less', and 'Second Death'.
Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace:
The hearts of a great many have already have been exposed, and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has up till now been a fairly stable condition of conflict and violence in our world
Here are some signs and symptoms of inner peace:
1. A tendency to act and think spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience.
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
3. A loss of interest in judging oneself.
4. A loss of interest in interpreting the action of others.
5. A loss of ability to worry (this is a very serious symptom).
6. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
7. Contented feelings of connectedness.
8. Frequent attacks of smiling.
9. An increased susceptibility to love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend this love.
So if you are not in this space you cannot listen to your inner voice your own connection to creator, everyone has there own connection, so we can ask, and we can listen for answers, as to what is expected of us. We don't need any one to tell us this knowing, and ultimately knowing this connection is the most important thing in our life, and this is what we come down to earth to remember again, and how many life times have we tried to do it, Countless no doubt! Some of us have the fortune, or misfortune to remember your previous reincarnation, remember your mistakes, and learn from your mistakes, so that you can make a different choice in this place of experiencing free will.
'Thy will be done'
So be careful how you think!!
Role Playing #6
So Creator has a divine plan for us, and each of us has a sole/soul purpose in this life time, each of us decided before we started this life time what role we were going to play.
Go back to your childhood play, and your games, did you ever have to play the 'baddy', did you have to have a turn to be it? Yes you did, well this is the same for the creator's divine plan, everything is in balance between good and evil, light and dark, male and female. So we have all had turns in playing the roles.
Why do Eastern religions talk about reincarnation, and that we are trapped in the wheel or cycle of karma, and we cycle through these roles until we realize that it is all a game, good guy, or bad guy. Did the church edit all the books that they reintroduced and remove mention of reincarnation at the Council of Trent, from the books they removed at the Council of Nice. Because they wanted us to think we only had one shot at getting it right, and being good. What an indulgence!
When we realize that because of that divine spark we are all connected to creator, or more precisely that there is no separation from creator do we have to role play anymore, and do not have re-experience anything ever again.
Guess we have to be grateful to the ones playing their part in makes us realize that what we do to one we do to ourselves, and that as the church taught god is everywhere in everything, it is all physical matter, is molecules, is atoms, is neutrons, protons, electrons, is smaller particles, and eventually realizing that it really is just positive, and negative energy, all vibration, each living thing having a different frequency.
So we are just spirit/soul having a human experience!
Go back to your childhood play, and your games, did you ever have to play the 'baddy', did you have to have a turn to be it? Yes you did, well this is the same for the creator's divine plan, everything is in balance between good and evil, light and dark, male and female. So we have all had turns in playing the roles.
Why do Eastern religions talk about reincarnation, and that we are trapped in the wheel or cycle of karma, and we cycle through these roles until we realize that it is all a game, good guy, or bad guy. Did the church edit all the books that they reintroduced and remove mention of reincarnation at the Council of Trent, from the books they removed at the Council of Nice. Because they wanted us to think we only had one shot at getting it right, and being good. What an indulgence!
When we realize that because of that divine spark we are all connected to creator, or more precisely that there is no separation from creator do we have to role play anymore, and do not have re-experience anything ever again.
Guess we have to be grateful to the ones playing their part in makes us realize that what we do to one we do to ourselves, and that as the church taught god is everywhere in everything, it is all physical matter, is molecules, is atoms, is neutrons, protons, electrons, is smaller particles, and eventually realizing that it really is just positive, and negative energy, all vibration, each living thing having a different frequency.
So we are just spirit/soul having a human experience!
November 04, 2005
So What's Love Got to do with it? #5
According to the web site ( and Gregg Braden ( EVERYTHING!!!
They conclude from research that:
1. There is a new energy that allows living cells (DNA) to communicate with each other.
2. DNA sample of donors still responded to donors emotions, unrestricted by time or distance.
3. DNA changes it shape according to our feelings, positive emotions caused the DNA to relax unwind, and become longer, and activate the DNA codes. Negative emotions to tighten, and deactivate the DNA codes. With the tightening of the DNA the body shuts down (sick), with the relaxing of the DNA the body starts working again (well).
4. With HIV patients they discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without those feelings. So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation!
So I must conclude for myself, and perhaps you can see that the more gratitude, the more love, and the more compassion you show the more your DNA unwinds, the longer it becomes, and the more the DNA activates, even the junk DNA/RNA mentioned in a previous post.
Is THIS then how we create our reality - by choosing it with our feelings. Our feelings are activating the time line via the web of creation, which connects all of the energy and matter of the Universe. Is this how we become and are one with everything in the world, and the universe. Is this why there is no separation from creator, or the father as Christ taught.
"The father and I are one"
Does this explain the fact that holy men throughout history have stressed love as a path to God. Only in loving states does God's energy become available to mortals to work divine magic upon them.
They conclude from research that:
1. There is a new energy that allows living cells (DNA) to communicate with each other.
2. DNA sample of donors still responded to donors emotions, unrestricted by time or distance.
3. DNA changes it shape according to our feelings, positive emotions caused the DNA to relax unwind, and become longer, and activate the DNA codes. Negative emotions to tighten, and deactivate the DNA codes. With the tightening of the DNA the body shuts down (sick), with the relaxing of the DNA the body starts working again (well).
4. With HIV patients they discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without those feelings. So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation!
So I must conclude for myself, and perhaps you can see that the more gratitude, the more love, and the more compassion you show the more your DNA unwinds, the longer it becomes, and the more the DNA activates, even the junk DNA/RNA mentioned in a previous post.
Is THIS then how we create our reality - by choosing it with our feelings. Our feelings are activating the time line via the web of creation, which connects all of the energy and matter of the Universe. Is this how we become and are one with everything in the world, and the universe. Is this why there is no separation from creator, or the father as Christ taught.
"The father and I are one"
Does this explain the fact that holy men throughout history have stressed love as a path to God. Only in loving states does God's energy become available to mortals to work divine magic upon them.
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