The new Paradigm is what? Are we referring to the shift? Is it a physical or conscious change? Or is it as the Mayans imply our world ceases to exist as we know it, and that we are in the fifth night, and on and in the sixth day we get a new reality. Their calendar was really their very elaborate instruction manual for us to decipher.
We have to give up our ego centred life, and adopt a heart centred approach to life, other people, the land and ourselves.
We always had the instruction manuals, all religions had instruction manuals. Why don’t we follow them? Some have become very good followers believing that their spiritual advisors know best!! Believing god and heaven is somewhere out there! They have become fundamentalists, and fanatics playing mind games, word games. It was never about just the words, it is about thoughts, emotions, and deeds. What we think and believe manifesting, so we haven’t been allowed to work this out for ourselves, we have been spoon fed to believe what those who control main stream religion want us to believe. Was the world flat, was earth the centre of the solar system? Why kill anyone for thinking different!
We have had the answers right in front of us. What’s so hard about it!! We have been waiting for ourselves to wake up to what we are!
It was never a contest or a conquest, just different instruction manuals to get to the same place.