November 05, 2005

Know Thyself #7

What does this mean, how do we do it, where do we have to be?

Some clues! The Indians call it the 'Sacred Silence', others call it 'Inner Peace', 'The Void', 'The Nothing', 'Zero/Null Point', 'Infinity', 'Ego less', and 'Second Death'.


Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace:

The hearts of a great many have already have been exposed, and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has up till now been a fairly stable condition of conflict and violence in our world

Here are some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

1. A tendency to act and think spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience.
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
3. A loss of interest in judging oneself.
4. A loss of interest in interpreting the action of others.
5. A loss of ability to worry (this is a very serious symptom).
6. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
7. Contented feelings of connectedness.
8. Frequent attacks of smiling.
9. An increased susceptibility to love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend this love.

So if you are not in this space you cannot listen to your inner voice your own connection to creator, everyone has there own connection, so we can ask, and we can listen for answers, as to what is expected of us. We don't need any one to tell us this knowing, and ultimately knowing this connection is the most important thing in our life, and this is what we come down to earth to remember again, and how many life times have we tried to do it, Countless no doubt! Some of us have the fortune, or misfortune to remember your previous reincarnation, remember your mistakes, and learn from your mistakes, so that you can make a different choice in this place of experiencing free will.

'Thy will be done'

So be careful how you think!!

Role Playing #6

So Creator has a divine plan for us, and each of us has a sole/soul purpose in this life time, each of us decided before we started this life time what role we were going to play.

Go back to your childhood play, and your games, did you ever have to play the 'baddy', did you have to have a turn to be it? Yes you did, well this is the same for the creator's divine plan, everything is in balance between good and evil, light and dark, male and female. So we have all had turns in playing the roles.

Why do Eastern religions talk about reincarnation, and that we are trapped in the wheel or cycle of karma, and we cycle through these roles until we realize that it is all a game, good guy, or bad guy. Did the church edit all the books that they reintroduced and remove mention of reincarnation at the Council of Trent, from the books they removed at the Council of Nice. Because they wanted us to think we only had one shot at getting it right, and being good. What an indulgence!

When we realize that because of that divine spark we are all connected to creator, or more precisely that there is no separation from creator do we have to role play anymore, and do not have re-experience anything ever again.

Guess we have to be grateful to the ones playing their part in makes us realize that what we do to one we do to ourselves, and that as the church taught god is everywhere in everything, it is all physical matter, is molecules, is atoms, is neutrons, protons, electrons, is smaller particles, and eventually realizing that it really is just positive, and negative energy, all vibration, each living thing having a different frequency.

So we are just spirit/soul having a human experience!