The 99% must awaken! The 99% should start using their common sense!
Are you awakening to common sense yet? If you have read this post first, I have explained the how, why, when, and where of using our common sense in previous posts? Here's why we have to have common sense. We are the 99%. We must be united! We must not fall or falter. There is safety in numbers, just think how many is 99% of the population compared to 1%. If we all confronted the 1% what would they do. They have to use some of us to do their bidding. How stupid is that! Once again I have mentioned this in previous posts how they have dumbed us down, some more than others. I have mentioned all the ways they do it. The quote in bold text says it all! So remember this one, "united we stand, divided we fall"
"Just look at us, everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroys information, and religion destroys spirituality."
Michael Ellner
First look around and see what the 1% are trying to do. War mongering, and trying to start WW3, somewhere, anywhere. Disarm the 99% so that they will not revolt. Compromise our food supply, water supply, atmosphere, and our minds (with their WMD (weapon of Mass Deception/Distraction-the MSM (Main Stream Media)).
So economist are saying that the wealth is held by 1% of the worlds population, the people are starting to see this. They say there is the trickle down effect to the 99%, but it is really is a model of trickle out, (and off shore to tax free havens).
Globalization started off in 1975 with countries following the Lima Declaration to move industry offshore in developed nations by the end of the 20th century, but they failed to achieve their goal. Now is followed by Agenda 21 based on a 1991 policy paper prepared for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) by Professor Jeffrey Sachs outlines a strategy for the transfer of wealth in name of the environment to be implemented in the course of 35 to 40 years. A plan to de-industrialize the west and to use the “green agenda” to do so. In the end no nation will be self sufficient, then being 100% reliant on the 1%, and having total control of everything, with us being treated like chattels.
Some say that the 1% is controlled by the Vatican, (their papal bulls saying they own the world), the Monarchies of Europe (and countries through incorporation still being colonies of the City of London, and the UN), and the others say the Khazarian Jews (through the Rothschild banksters).
But what if there is more to this and that the TPTB are just being controlled by something else!
There are some that claim that there are inter dimensional beings called Archons that have controlled those in power for 26 000 years. Carlos Castenada describes entities that he used to see in his peripheral vision that looked fish like. Are these the Archons?
Gnostic text write about the Archons if you want to study this further visit
It just makes you wonder why the Roman Catholic Church had to destroy, burn all the gnostic texts, and persecute it followers, and prevent the truth to be known of who really was in charge, if and when the 99% would learn to read, and write, and awaken. The gnostic teachings were not allowed to passed down verbally, hence the persecution.
Here is a link to a web site that also gives some information about it. Also view youtube video interview below and the intro to the video here;
Here is another web site that mentions them, and some history of when it happened;
True? You decide! So are you going to do something about, and tune into the common sense.
August 08, 2012
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