The channel wars continue, on many levels, and for many centuries, the first channel wars were those between France, and England, and then the monarchy and the people.
If the information about the Phoenix Project is true it is a battle for our minds (misinformation), body (war), and souls (religion), because royalty have never let go of their vision of their empire, or kingdom, of their commonwealth, and united nations, their New World Order. The method they now use is 'Divide and Conquer' and using method of battle by creating the 'enemy within', and let nations, and people, and groups destroy themselves from within, so they do not have to exert any effort, but to just pick up the pieces, or suggest solutions, after they create the problems. Clever aren't they? Infiltrate, and embed in all places of influence, take control using the protocols.
For them to win we must be ignorant, docile, and unarmed, we must be followers. Why followers, because they infiltrate groups, and hijack them and their sphere of influence increases with each new group that they control. This happens politically, nationally, in the community, and in religion, it happens everywhere. The bigger the group the more chance this is happening, or happened. They dumb us down by compromising the food chain, water, and air, so that we become unhealthy, then the pharmaceuticals pump us full of drugs, and to top it off we are bombarded with EMF, EMR to hold us at a certain frequency via all the antenna arrays that are placed in the communities, and around the country side, they are trying to counteract the Schumann Resonance.
The weapons they use are the almighty sword, almighty god, and the almighty dollar. But don't forget that the pen is mightier than the sword (media is owned by just five companies, and owned by whom), when used in media, and for those new agers those messages from beyond the veil, the ethers, can create the channel wars, create doubt, trying to make us followers, instead of masters of our own destiny, they still want us to have their destiny, the new world order, the one new world, there concept of oneness, one army, one united nations, one economy.
On another level they are doing their darndest to stop us from reaching 2012, and the end of the time line, our ascension, so that the Mayan prophecy isn't true, or doesn't come true, and critical mass consciousness not tipping the scale or frequency of love/compassion in GAIA's favour to permit her shift, from duality to oneness, or bipolar to polar (Sheldan Nidle message a single pole within earths core, and Tom Bearden says free energy is single pole, and Masters talk of oneness), from divided to unified. They know from the time line from Montauk Project that our physicality ends 2012, so the are trying to change this time line, because a good prophecy is a failed prophecy. The Hopi Indians also have their signs, and they say that they have seen them all.
So my only suggestion I can offer you is the old Chinese wisdom, 'unless you/we change direction you/we get to where you/we are going', it really is up to us, and if the message and truth/reality is 'mind over matter' for us to get through the gate/portal to get to the next kingdom/dimension. My other favourite is 'for things to change I must change', so it is up to every one, every one of us. It is a pity that every one hasn't woken, that fact determines the outcome, this reality. So be careful, be very careful what you think, not just say, it might just come true!
In my long journey of self discovering/realization I have found that those closest to you are the ones hardest to convince, so I have let family, wife, daughters, and a brother lead their own lives, (or the significant other made the choice for me, and let me follow my soul purpose, for which I am extremely grateful). I still love them, but I do not emotionally blackmail them, just let them be themselves. With regards to my daughters, I still do talk to them and there is no animosity, just unconditional love, in fact there is unconditional love for everyone. I'm a bit like the neutron in the atom, neutral, not getting excited, the dampener, the negotiator/mediator, perhaps the Libra/Scorpio cusp coming out, trying to balance everything around me for a win-win, for the highest good.
Why is the channel war so important? You must remember we ALL have our own line of communication to source/creator. The powers to be do not want us to know, realize when we stop becoming followers, we go beyond their spheres of influence. They have the mentality if we are not with them we are against them, and they can't have that, because we begin to see the big picture of what their agenda is, enslavement, their good old feudal system.
December 19, 2005
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