It doesn’t matter how many types of channeled material there is. It is just a trigger, a stimulus for your three for three ‘thoughts, emotions, and deeds’, because we all know the saying ‘God helps those who help themselves’. Or is it ‘forgive, forget, and leave it up to the universe’.
So ‘know thyself’. With this inner knowing, connection to your inner piece you will recognize the messenger by words, and deeds.
Are you, we, they service to self, or service to others? It is really beyond even that, ultimately should be service to ‘all that is’.
The bottom line is unless we awaken to ‘all that is' then all you have is just non sense, and the channeled material will not trigger the three for three, we will be where the ego wants us, in a state of anti Christ, we will not contribute to mass consciousness, and ultimately universal mind. So we are part of the universe, it really is up to everyone, individually collectively, and the power of one.
We start contributing to the universe, firstly with our thoughts, then our emotions, and finally our deeds. When we are held, encouraged, and stimulated to be in a state of non sense we don’t have time to think, feel, and act, or even are powerless even to do those three things, we do not think, feel, or act with common sense, in fact we simply just don’t get it, and contribute nothing, and if we do it is just with negativity, or anger. If there is enough of us in that state we are just helping to create hell, or allowing those in control to create what they want.
If there is a war on our consciousness, and our mind, it is being fought on three levels, the physical, the mental, and thirdly the spiritual. My explanation is this to have a healthy mind, we must have a healthy body, and the reverse applies, and as this is our temple for our inner piece (god’s image) with a polluted body, and mind, what chance does our inner piece have to reconnect, and communicate with all that is. We know that we are body, mind and spirit, as one, a cross of human power, and spiritual power.
The best physical way to win the war is to eliminate a couple of things from our lives! Yes eliminate the supermarket, the pharmacy, and the multinationals. Lastly we must eliminate those organizations that stop us from entering the inner kingdom from our lives, and start knowing ourselves, our true selves.
Back to the good all the days, grow your own, prepare your own, and cook your own. We had a program called SLIP, (Shop Locally It Pays). But the multinationals have destroyed our individual, community, and national self sufficiency. They have, and are removing god from us, individually, collectively, and nationally. Remember the saying ‘god helps those that help themselves’, and we are not permitted to do that. They don’t like LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) either because it eliminates money, and can’t tax something they can’t put in the bank. The banksters can’t control it; they can’t earn interest on it, even though their money is created out of thin air. Their money is no longer backed by precious metals, just our land titles, but they have forced us to use it, and their usury.
So who benefits from non sense?