February 14, 2006

The Unified Field - Oneness #23

Jesus taught 'that what you do to one you do to all'. Our mathematicians, and physicists now have an area of study called the unified field.

Physics has now come into the understanding of a unified field. In its most unlimited state it is pure consciousness. We live within and are a part of that unified field. Everything is connected and the source of all that was, is and is yet to be is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverses.

So if we are all part of this field knowingly (common sense), and unknowingly (non sense), if it just universal mind, it is all thought (wisdom), it is some, or sum of our thoughts.

In other words we have to be careful how we think.

So I am going to join the musketeers and shout their well know rally cry 'one for all, and all for one' is like putting the three main rules together. Care of self, others, and land, because god is everywhere, this unified field is everything, everywhere, creator is everywhere.

This means that in each atom there is wisdom, and love. Look at the things that we owned, if we care for it it lasts a long time, when we discard it, put it outside it starts decaying, decomposing, uncreating before your very eyes, the component of love has been removed. Does this mean that love is the most powerful force in nature, is that why they say that 'love conquers all'.