Life follows the shape of the bell curve. the majority (living in amnesia of who they are) living the reality of the few, the 'illusionists' (or as some call them Illuminati) where might is right. They will try and maintain their illusion, and world of make believe 'by hook , or by crook', as they do not play their roles in their illusion fairly, as BBB&G's. The teachers walking the talk through their words, and actions at one end, and the Illusionist with their make believe, their swords, and weapons of mass deception at the other. We say 'no one in their right mind would do that' and practice common sense acknowledging that we are all one, and remembering our elders saying 'where is your common sense'.
Those old sayings certainly say a lot!
It is a war for our mind. they want us living in their outer kingdom, the chaos , their non sense where it is the principle of divide and conquer, never living or even glimpsing that there is this inner kingdom. They certainly want us living in ego mind, and just thinking about me, and survival of me, and survival of my family. The corrupted mind over matter, 'I don't mind, and you don't matter'. It is a war against every one, and the 'power of one' of every one. The power that awakens when we enter the inner kingdom, and try and bring it out to the outer kingdom, and make heaven on earth. Those at the other end of the bell curve forbid it to the point of persecution, and have even created martyrs of us, or marginalized us so that our words, and actions are made to seem crazy, and not of their reality.
The majority do have a chance every 26 000 years to awaken to full consciousness on this planet when our solar system passes through the photon belt, and a great awakening happens, but it has the potential of either a a raising of consciousness, and a fall of consciousness, and it depends on the overlapping of several more cycles that are depicted in our famous standing stones, and calendars. We have a choice in this reality whether we rise or fall, but sometimes we are never given, or allowed to have or know there is the choice to rise.
We have to be careful of how we think. We have to learn to become emotionless, but not heartless, and cold blooded and activating our reptilian mind as David Icke writes about, and that is the inner most part of the brain. He says that ceremony, and (perhaps ritual) activates that part of the brain. We have to become calm, centered, and grounded, and I have found that by returning to the inner kingdom, acknowledging a common sense, acknowledging our oneness, and believing that that there is a power of one, everyone. As really there is only 'one', one son of god, one ego mind, and one right mind, and holy (wholly) spirit. Then knowing that what you do to one you really do to all, and really yourself. But then I am writing to the enlightened already.
So really heaven is the inner kingdom, the sovereign domain of those in their right mind communing with Wholly Spirit (our higher selves, the common sense), and the outer kingdom is hell, the domain of ego mind where nothing can be perfect, or immortal, with the feeling we have been abandoned by god. We are part of god, we are the ones we are waiting for, we are only awaiting the return to full consciousness, our awakening.