September 24, 2006

The Algebra of Life #31

In mathematics X and Y are used in place of the unknowns, unless some of the variables are known can a equation ever be solved.

Is it like this in life, and its meaning, the variables are our choices. We will ever know what X and Y is? The biologist say we have X and Y chromosomes, and this includes some of the unknown junk DNA/RNA?

So what is the unknown for us, is this a clue to the meaning of life, or why we are here on this earth?

Does this junk have a hidden, or mysterious purpose, can we activate, or awaken it? Have some people already done so? Did we get some clues over two thousand years ago? Can you 'do' as he did? What do you have to do? What did he say about being like a child? Where did he say the kingdom was? What did he say about the creator, and himself? Where is GOD?

All I'm giving you is questions, is this not how you get to the truth, is this how we will be set free? Remember words are cheap! Are you getting your two cents (sense) worth?

Unless we discover the unknowns (sub-conscious) within us will we know what this life, and this reality is all about. Unless we activate the junk DNA will we be set free. Remember the truth sets us free.

September 03, 2006

What are the keys to the kingdom of God? #30

Are they the Ten Commandments? Do the christian churches 'walk the talk'?

They should be demanding their followers to be out in the streets demanding the following of god's ten laws, has the need changed since they were written, has the need for them diminished, if anything the need for them has increased.

So is the hierarchy part of the problem, or part of the solution. Are they creating heaven on earth (which is the solution), or hell on earth is (which part of the problem)?

Is it just a distraction to keep us here stuck in the outer kingdom, not allowing or giving us time to go to, and find the inner kingdom within? It is if the last words spoken of Jesus tell us the place were we will find heaven is within, hearing the inner voice, and god within, your god, my god.

That's just part of the answer, the other part is having the purity of a child, to enter the inner kingdom. So if this is where heaven is hidden, 'right under our noses' how do we enter the pearly gates to the kingdom of god? What's the key, it is not a physical key, it is not a electronic key, but it is an emotional key to the gates via the heart. So do those expressions 'cold' or 'warm' hearted mean something? I think they do, and is this the difference of being part of the solution/problem, and creating or manifesting heaven/hell.

So lets use the lost mode of prayer, and start using the 'secret', the tools of gratitude, compassion, and unconditional, or divine love to help use the law of attraction, and attract heaven in our time, on our world, now!!!.

Is It Worth It? #29

Are you getting your "two sense worth"?

Non sense certainly doesn't contribute to mass consciousness, where as our common sense does, allowing us to tap into universal mind, or contribute through our connectedness with everyone, and everything, including Mother Earth. As they say we do now have to decide, or side with one or the other, I don't call it light or dark, good or evil, because that is judging, but whether you get it! Sensing or not! To 'Be' or not to 'Be'!

So according to 'The Secret', and 'What the Bleep...' it is up to our consciousness, and what we attract, and what we affect.

What do you want!! 'Be' the problem, or 'Be' the solution.

Create heaven, or hell. It's your choice, your responsibility, or response ability! Are you giving away your energy by having the/your buttons pressed, and hence giving a reaction that helps determine mass consciousness for change from old to new, or perpetuating the old?

We can only rely on our intuition, our inner voice, which is our godself, the voice of truth, and only then can we be set free from the outer kingdom, and the hidden agenda's wish to control that kingdom, and everything in it.

They are also trying their hardest to stop us getting to the inner kingdom, through the distraction of the outer kingdom. Is that outer kingdom worrying you? Are you calm, grounded, and centred? Have you found that inner peace, are you able to listen to your inner voice while you are there? Are you getting answers to your questions? Are you putting them into practice? Are you trusting the answers?

Why no Common Sense? #28

By definition common implies a sharing, an overlap, congruence.

So common sense from that implies a sharing of feelings, beliefs, thoughts, ideals for a start.

But if we now believe quantum physicists, and theorists, consciousness affects matter, our reality. This means that we are all physical matter, atoms, positively charged particles, hence just energy, and this is in everything.

How basic or common can this get, is this the basic building blocks of this creation, creator god's building blocks!

So god is everywhere, amazing, awesome!

So the outer kingdom is physical matter, the macrocosm, and the inner kingdom is the microcosm the atomic particles, god's building blocks. What is it that holds, and binds it all together, what force, can we tap into this force if we go deep enough into creation, and the forces of creation, can we release them, and use them, and how do we release them, what releases it?

Could the tools be LOVE, GRATITUDE, AND COMPASSION, those attributes given to the mind of a child, and better still a child of god, a child of god's creation!

Are we allowed to go there, or get there?

Do The Powers That Be want us to get there?

Do The Powers That Be want us to utilize this?

This might change MASS CONSCIOUSNESS!

Why the Nonsense? #27

You must realize by now if you are reading this, that in a democracy nothing happens by accident, it is planned!

All governments claim to represent the people, but in reality they represent their party, and the back room BBB&G's.

Government tries to destroy the union movement because they are trying to get better conditions and uniting people in one voice.

Government laws and legislation seems to favour the multinational, they are not for the highest good of the people.

Government seems to create the problems, so that they can offer their solution for themselves, but not for you.

Governments just give diplomacy and peace lip service, but are very willing to arm for war.

There has to be constant drama, and distraction.

Media keeps on perpetuating the drama in life, not showing us another way.

Whoever controls the money, controls the economy, and the government!

Education is teaching us the ways of the conqueror, not the peacemakers.

Organized religion do not give 100% adherence to the ten commandments. They should demand it of every man, woman, and child, who ever, and where ever they are! They should put them into practice 24/7.

The Powers that Be don't want us to have that purity of a child, because then we will find that the kingdom of god is within, and that's when the magic or miracles can happen, and realize that god is everywhere!


February 25, 2006

Responsibility or Response Ability #26

It is about taking ownership of what we think, say, and do. We have to own the result of this, we cannot refer, or defer it on some one else.

What is the expression the 'blood is on your hands', or 'I wash my hands of the responsibility', 'my hands are clean'

We are constantly having our buttons pressed by the BBB&G's Doctrine:
Devour/divide and conquer
Teach them to "want"
Eliminate free will
Promulgate atheism
Subjugate women
Subjugate men
Create False Prophets
Crucify The Christ
Abolish Love of Self
Abdicate The Spiritual
Teach Fear

With these techniques we experience non sense, instead of common sense, We participate in the drama they created, and we are made to feel responsible for poverty, starvation, sickness, illiteracy, but we are not the creators of this, we are just the ignorant players in this reality drama, not able to be the true man!

We are made to feel guilty, we are asked for donations to help, if we only realized that we are just being made to react, jump to their agenda, and if they were true men it wouldn't be happening this way.

We are asked to donate for medical research, but who is responsible for our compromised health, as we have a compromised food chain, compromised air, and water, so how can we have a healthy immune system, and let alone a healthy body, and mind, we are being turned into robots, not being able to think clearly, in a state of non sense.

How can we eliminate all this, but by eliminating the multinationals, the BBB&G's, become self sufficient, and become our sovereign selves.

The True Man Show #25

All I am worried about is being a true man:

1. true to myself,
2. true to others,
3. and true to the land, planet, solar system, and ultimately the universe, and its creator.

Because of the unified field theory is that really us, you, me, everyone. So it really is about the battle for mass consciousness, and making sure we only have 10% activated at anyone time. If the big secret is really about this, about becoming true men, 100% human, fully activated. All the DNA/RNA working, as the known DNA/RNA is mapped, the question goes begging what potential does the unmapped have.


February 20, 2006

Fact or Fiction? So Far it's Like This #24

Everything is about:

1. Non sense or common sense.

2. Polarity or unity.

3. Worthless or useful.

4. Service to self, or service to others.

5. Battle for Inner and outer kingdoms.

6. LOVE or HATE.

7. Tolerant or intolerant.

8. One path or many to heaven.

9. Sum of thought or some of thought.

10. DNA/RNA - 10% useful and rest junk.

11. Conscious mind 10%, and not activating or accessing Sub-conscious mind.

12. Choices now - its what creates our future, and were our lessons in the past.

13. Responsibility or response ability.

February 14, 2006

The Unified Field - Oneness #23

Jesus taught 'that what you do to one you do to all'. Our mathematicians, and physicists now have an area of study called the unified field.

Physics has now come into the understanding of a unified field. In its most unlimited state it is pure consciousness. We live within and are a part of that unified field. Everything is connected and the source of all that was, is and is yet to be is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverses.

So if we are all part of this field knowingly (common sense), and unknowingly (non sense), if it just universal mind, it is all thought (wisdom), it is some, or sum of our thoughts.

In other words we have to be careful how we think.

So I am going to join the musketeers and shout their well know rally cry 'one for all, and all for one' is like putting the three main rules together. Care of self, others, and land, because god is everywhere, this unified field is everything, everywhere, creator is everywhere.

This means that in each atom there is wisdom, and love. Look at the things that we owned, if we care for it it lasts a long time, when we discard it, put it outside it starts decaying, decomposing, uncreating before your very eyes, the component of love has been removed. Does this mean that love is the most powerful force in nature, is that why they say that 'love conquers all'.

February 11, 2006

What is a Perfect Human Being #22

I know it might seem unusual, but I look on a human like a computer, a living computer, as software and hardware. Our belief system is the software, and our body is the hardware. Scientist now claim that a combination of enzymes, plus DNA makes living memory, so we are an organic, living computer.

I believe we are consciously in a beta state, our biologist say 10-15% of our DNA is useful, and the rest is junk. Psychologists say we only use 10% of our brain.

I don't think that Creator would have allowed us to remain in this beta state, I think he would have wanted us to be in a higher state than that.

When our brain patterns are studied they talk of delta, and theta states. They say we reach those either in sleep or meditation.

I think that we are full of bugs (software (beliefs) and hardware (viruses)), but the bugs aren't gods creations, but our creation through our taught belief system (yes it is unbending, intolerant), and us being followers, some quite fanatical at that.

As I have alluded in a previous post when we change our software then the hardware starts working properly, thus we can activate the unused hardware through the unused DNA/RNA, so we turn on the unused DNA/RNA, and we can reach the delta, and theta states or always in that state. Is this how we reach that state of bliss, or joy!

So when we access the delta, and theta states we enter that inner kingdom, accessing the 90% subconscious mind, do we realize what we are, who we are, and the non sense we are put through, and all there is common sense, the most important thing in the whole of creation.

Until we do this will we ever be perfect, will we be like Jesus, and be able to do as he did 2000 years ago, by following the creator, because through sum of our thoughts we create this reality, this heaven, or hell.

So what do you have in your heart love or hate. If you want to manifest something it is simply being the change it just starts with one, changing the software, to utilize or activate all the hardware.

The powers that be want us constantly in the beta state, living their non sense! They want the software, and hardware full of bugs!

January 30, 2006

Purgatory #21

To all you ex Roman Catholics, and being taught of 'purgatory', a place where the penitent are cleansed, or purified!

What do I understand it to be now? Just look at the word base 'purge'! It means to expel, clear away, remove, purify. So everyone goes there!

The eastern religions believe in reincarnation. Meaning we keep returning to a life on this earth until we realize why we are here. Each time we return we have no memory of who we were, or what we done, we are given a fresh start, so our memory is purged, hence we visit purgatory.

So the Romans Catholics, are only half right, or only giving us half the truth, part of their original sin, not our original sin, our only sin (mistake) is that we follow them. They also tell us we have only one shot at getting it right.

We are here to learn that god is everywhere, in everything, in everyone. So we are not separate from god, god is not out there somewhere, he is around us, and in us. We all have a direct connection to god, we don't need anyone to do anything on our behalf. All we need to do is go within, and establish our own connection, and learn to communicate, learn to listen to ourselves, and god.

As you were taught, the kingdom of god is within, so who resides within us? As each of us has a soul, or spirit, are we a piece of gods divide soul. So what you do to one you do to all. We are to learn to love ourselves, others as ourselves, and love this earth, this is the most powerful force in the universe, and is what takes us back to our origin, the source of all there is.

January 17, 2006

Never Never Land #20

Have you been there yet! The place where you learn to have happy thoughts! The place where you learn that happy thoughts make you powerful, and fly, and..........

Guess 'the powers to be' don't want us in that happy place, they don't want the magic, they don't want us to find the magic within that place.

Where is that place? I say that place is within, the inner kingdom! Your life can change when you bring those happy thoughts back with you, and remember to use those happy thoughts in your everyday life.

Then the happy thoughts change the outer kingdom, because until we enter never never land, and interface with it, and bring it back out with us then we will NEVER be healthy (short lived life with stress), we will NEVER be wealthy (always in survival mode), and we will NEVER be wise (loose you marbles).

The neuropeptides are produced by the body when we have our happy thoughts, and these are known to have a benefit for our body. It is proven when we are angry the opposite happens, and we remain in the other NEVER Land where you don't have your happy thoughts, where you are NEVER free.

What do they say in mathematics? Two negatives multiplied make a positive, so that's why we aren't allowed to get to the happy place we become positive, they want us NEVER to be still, NEVER to find that strength, and unity with other mankind, that this is the way to solve things, to be part of the solution, and not part of the problem. Worse still is if you/we do nothing, give others your power to act on your/our behalf, and those could do it badly being the problem, not the solution.

The powers to be should realize that when negatives multiply they can become unruly, hence they loose control, but the problem is the number of negatives has to be an even to get heaven (the happy place), not an odd number others wise we will still end up with (the negative result) hell. Are you the odd one out, or are you the even tempered one, cool calm and collected, the one where the truth sets you free.

January 14, 2006

'Limbo" #19

Back to my religious upbringing, and my 'original sin', and 'limbo'. I was told that some of us went to limbo, when we died because we weren't ready for heaven, or ready for hell.

I look upon this as quarantine, a result of our apathy, because we gave our power away, we became followers, and that is the original sin.

Through this apathy, we are not creating anything, heaven or hell. Is this why the powers to be are calling us 'useless eaters', we are the 'cannon fodder', we are the 'mindless robots', we are the 'expendable ones', the 'guinea pigs' for their experiments, and games. The more you think about it, this is a case of their 'I don't mind, and you don't matter'! We aren't for them, or against them, so think about it!

Until you start putting your mind to work and realizing that everything depends on the statement 'I am therefore I am', and being an 'I am' and not an 'I follow' will we get anywhere but this 'limbo', a quarantine.

So 'god will not help those that cannot help themselves' takes on a whole new meaning! It is all up to us, the sum of all our thoughts to get out of quarantine, by starting to create heaven on earth, and not leaving it up to others, or waiting for the 'second coming' because 'through Jesus will you be saved'.

Because of that divine spark (soul) within we are all part of creator, thus part of god! So we are the ones we are waiting for! We are the savior's, we are the only ones that can get us out of this limbo, by awakening to this very simple thought, our very simple thought of creating heaven here, now, to leave our own created limbo, our self imposed exile away from creator. We volunteered for the game, the experiment of finding our way back to god, and creating our heaven on earth. So there will not be a second coming, and rapture, (that state of joy is all it means), until we have the purity like a child.

Reality - Ours, Yours, and Mine #18

Reality what is it? Can it be related to mass consciousness, and thus common sense, that universal mind that Carl Jung writes of in his books.

If this is the case then we are all responsible as individuals in contributing to it? Is it really the power of one, being some of our thoughts, and sum of our thoughts?

Does this mean if enough of us have the same thoughts we can bring things into existence, and conversely out of existence.

Now I can understand why 'the powers to be' don't want us to have this common sense, but just have non sense, not connected to universal mind, mass consciousness, then they will be totally unnecessary, useless, superfluous, they wouldn't need to exist, along with their organizations, companies, foundations, societies, monarchies, religions, and parties.