June 10, 2007

Channellers, then What? #51

It doesn’t matter how many types of channeled material there is. It is just a trigger, a stimulus for your three for three ‘thoughts, emotions, and deeds’, because we all know the saying ‘God helps those who help themselves’. Or is it ‘forgive, forget, and leave it up to the universe’.

So ‘know thyself’. With this inner knowing, connection to your inner piece you will recognize the messenger by words, and deeds.

Are you, we, they service to self, or service to others? It is really beyond even that, ultimately should be service to ‘all that is’.

The bottom line is unless we awaken to ‘all that is' then all you have is just non sense, and the channeled material will not trigger the three for three, we will be where the ego wants us, in a state of anti Christ, we will not contribute to mass consciousness, and ultimately universal mind. So we are part of the universe, it really is up to everyone, individually collectively, and the power of one.

We start contributing to the universe, firstly with our thoughts, then our emotions, and finally our deeds. When we are held, encouraged, and stimulated to be in a state of non sense we don’t have time to think, feel, and act, or even are powerless even to do those three things, we do not think, feel, or act with common sense, in fact we simply just don’t get it, and contribute nothing, and if we do it is just with negativity, or anger. If there is enough of us in that state we are just helping to create hell, or allowing those in control to create what they want.

If there is a war on our consciousness, and our mind, it is being fought on three levels, the physical, the mental, and thirdly the spiritual. My explanation is this to have a healthy mind, we must have a healthy body, and the reverse applies, and as this is our temple for our inner piece (god’s image) with a polluted body, and mind, what chance does our inner piece have to reconnect, and communicate with all that is. We know that we are body, mind and spirit, as one, a cross of human power, and spiritual power.

The best physical way to win the war is to eliminate a couple of things from our lives! Yes eliminate the supermarket, the pharmacy, and the multinationals. Lastly we must eliminate those organizations that stop us from entering the inner kingdom from our lives, and start knowing ourselves, our true selves.

Back to the good all the days, grow your own, prepare your own, and cook your own. We had a program called SLIP, (Shop Locally It Pays). But the multinationals have destroyed our individual, community, and national self sufficiency. They have, and are removing god from us, individually, collectively, and nationally. Remember the saying ‘god helps those that help themselves’, and we are not permitted to do that. They don’t like LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) either because it eliminates money, and can’t tax something they can’t put in the bank. The banksters can’t control it; they can’t earn interest on it, even though their money is created out of thin air. Their money is no longer backed by precious metals, just our land titles, but they have forced us to use it, and their usury.

So who benefits from non sense?

May 28, 2007

Revisiting the Channel Wars #50

It just comes down to one or two words, responsibility, or response ability! Is it right or wrong, but then time will tell, and we know actions are louder than words.

It is all about distraction, individual or collective. There are two sides to this, the distracter, and the distracted, the battle of the kingdoms, inner (common sense), and outer (non sense).

If the truth has set you free you are in your truth you cannot be distracted, your words should hold up to scrutiny, you do not have to defend them, you do not have to shoot the messenger, or other messengers, they should only compliment, or augment what you are saying.

We can only be a guide, be our selves, be an example, and not be the judge.

If I judge some one, I fear some one! If I fear some one I fear god (if each of us has a piece of god’s image within). If I fear some one, have I done something wrong, or have I something that I don’t want others to see, or discern? What are they trying to show me, or teach me about myself, my response ability? I am only responsible for my thoughts, emotions, and deeds,
no one else’s.

We have to work it out for ourselves; we have to use our own thoughts, emotions, and deeds. We have to actively start adding to, and being part of ‘all that is’, mass consciousness, what I call common sense. If we are not contributing we are in a state of non sense!

We all have our chance every 26 000 years to reach this state of common sense, trying to ignore those keeping us in a state of nonsense. We each have had a role to play, good guy, bad guy till we realize the game is over, lessons have been learned, the truth has been revealed, our thoughts, emotions, and deeds exposed for all to see.

I am not choosing sides, what am I contributing to mass consciousness, and the highest good, is it the truth, for the few, or the many?

May 26, 2007

Dogma #49

Do you visibly show your dogma?

Isn't it time you examined your dogma in a mirror? Sometimes people mirror our dogma back to us.

When you look at dogma in the mirror what do you see?

Dogma (with a little stretch of the imagination) becomes amgod.


So start honouring that inner piece, the son (created) of the father (creator), is this what made in gods image means, we are all part of god, a mirror for god, we should see god in everyone, and everything.

It does not matter what skin colour, what gender ( or their gender preference), what religion, what culture, they all contain god's image, (spirit) and we should honour it.

We are all creator's children, trying to remember who, and what we are, as well where we are going, or trying to return to.

How do you actively become god, how do you activate the inner piece the spiritual power.

Trying to put fifth guideline of the litmus test into practice (through gratitude, unconditional love, and compassion).

The Sign of the Cross #48

How does it go you catholics, or ex catholics.

1. Touch your forehead saying 'In the name of the Father'.
2. Touch your heart saying 'the Son'.
3. Touch your left shoulder saying 'and the'.
4. Touch your right shoulder saying 'holy ghost (spirit).

So my interpretation on it is Father (Creator), Son (Created), and Wholly Spirit (One and All)..

To me this means god is everywhere, this our inner piece, so we should honour the Creator, and the created with our inner peace, by honouring the inner piece in everyone, and everything. So the dogma test takes on a different, and deeper meaning, we should be all knowing that what we do to one we do to all.

Remember in an earlier blog I mentioned the rules for being human, we are spirit having a human experience.

So when we get it and invoke the cross of human power (created) and spiritual power (creator) invoking spirit then 'you can do as I do, and more'.

We might get what we want, and need re entry into the garden of Eden, the new earth waiting for us.

Is this something to fear by those who aren't spirit centred (wholly spirit). Is this why the Church wants indigenous people to abandon spirituality?

May 25, 2007

My Dogma Litmus Test #47

From my years of study (thirty five years), and avoiding Christianity from age twenty, this is what I believe should be the essence of Christianity, and should be studied the most, to go beyond the words.

  1. Do you believe ‘God is everywhere’?
  2. Do you believe ‘The father and I are one’?
  3. Do you believe ‘You can do as I do, and more’?
  4. Do you believe ‘The kingdom of god is within’?
  5. Do you believe ‘You can enter the kingdom of heaven with the heart and mind of a child’?
  6. Do you believe ‘Do unto others as you want others to do unto you, or what you do to one you do to all’?

I will say this is what I follow, this I believe is what a follower of Christ consciousness, (not Christianity) should believe and do 24/7, not just on Sunday, or after confession.

This is my very simple instruction manual! I like the KISS (keep it simple (sweetheart, swami, spirit, and of course stupid, if you resonate with this one)) method!! This is the basics, and anything else is man’s law!

May 23, 2007

The New Paradigm #46

The new Paradigm is what? Are we referring to the shift? Is it a physical or conscious change? Or is it as the Mayans imply our world ceases to exist as we know it, and that we are in the fifth night, and on and in the sixth day we get a new reality. Their calendar was really their very elaborate instruction manual for us to decipher.

We have to choose whether we are part of the solution, or part of the problem, then we become the chosen!

We have to give up our ego centred life, and adopt a heart centred approach to life, other people, the land and ourselves.

All main stream religions have had more than two thousand years to work it out! Do we have heaven on earth? Do we follow god’s law religiously?

We always had the instruction manuals, all religions had instruction manuals. Why don’t we follow them? Some have become very good followers believing that their spiritual advisors know best!! Believing god and heaven is somewhere out there! They have become fundamentalists, and fanatics playing mind games, word games. It was never about just the words, it is about thoughts, emotions, and deeds. What we think and believe manifesting, so we haven’t been allowed to work this out for ourselves, we have been spoon fed to believe what those who control main stream religion want us to believe. Was the world flat, was earth the centre of the solar system? Why kill anyone for thinking different!

We have had the answers right in front of us. What’s so hard about it!! We have been waiting for ourselves to wake up to what we are!

The Chinese proverb says ‘unless you change direction you get to where you are going’, is very appropriate for main stream religions.

It was never a contest or a conquest, just different instruction manuals to get to the same place.

May 06, 2007

What We Don't See Will Not Hurt Us #45

'What we don't see will NOT hurt us', is said many times by people who are doing something bad, but is it true?

My honest opinion is that it is false. Why? If we are all part of all there is, then what we do to one we do to all, meaning that it all goes into the mix of mass consciousness, and affects the reality that we have got, meaning we get a new reality. If god is everywhere, in everyone, we are doing it to god, if we are made in his image, or have his image within us, that inner piece.

It becomes part of the problem of this society, and mankind, not part of the solution, not for the highest good of mankind.

If we want the world to change, we first must change, having peace in our heart, if we want world peace. So if enough of us have the thought of war in our minds, and hearts, we manifests war. It is frightening, some call it the law of attraction. What are you attracting into your life?

Another famous phrase or saying is 'sticks, and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me' is used for children to get over being teased, goaded, and baited. Does it work? Is it true? In a single word! NO!

They are thoughts, words, and deeds really, and they enter into mass consciousness, and affect our reality, changing it for better or worse.

May 04, 2007

Grace #44

What is it? It is something we used to say at meals. Do we still say it? Do we still mean it? Do we say it from the bottom of our heart? Do we say it with love for those that helped bring it to the table?

Graced? What does it mean?

Does it refer to the act of receiving? Receiving what? Why everything! Could this be the universal law of attraction starting with that word grace, but it really is more than just word, because we receive more than just one thing! We receive lots of things that we take for granted. Do you take lots of things in your life for granted? Don’t you offer them your thanks, and your love? What happens when you don’t? Do you lose those things in your life when you are not in a state of grace?

How do we get into the state of grace? We must practice gratitude. We must get into the theta state, the state where we activate the subconscious, and the junk DNA/RNA. It is the state that activates all the chemicals that give us the raptures, the bliss, and when the rapture comes, we are the chosen people. Those choosing to live in a state of grace for everyone, and everything, even our selves for the fact that we are breathing, we are eating, sleeping, thinking, talking, walking, and so creating this state of grace, the rapture, the bliss.

Is this the best kept secret?

You should be asking yourself why we are not being taught this? The quantum physicists are saying thought affects matter, so it is a case of mind over matter. The observer affects the experiment.

I am seeing in this present reality, the thought pattern of I don’t mind, and you don’t matter. Do you mind your neighbours, do you mind the people down the road of a different belief system, do you mind the people of a different sexual preference, do you mind your children?

Does your government show that you as an individual, as a voter you don’t matter, because they have a party, and the party is the most important thing. When they have a party you don't matter, they get intoxicated, intoxicated with power.

April 27, 2007

Activating the Inner Piece #43

Let's go back to the beginning again, and keeping it simple s......!!

It's all about getting into the state of common sense, the theta state, the frequency of unconditional love as the research at Heart Maths websites shows. The DNA/RNA starts unwinding, then activating, activating spiritual power, and our extrasensory perception.

It is also claimed that when we meditate we activate the theta state and hence start activating, or expanding our consciousness into the subconscious mind. So is this what spiritual awakening signifies, our entering the sub conscious, the inner kingdom?

So what have you got to lose by trying this, except time.

My method of meditating is to shift my awareness mentally from thinking to feeling, also shifting my awareness physically from head to heart. This physically is a very small movement, but it is a quantum leap in raising your own frequency, and then collectively for Mother Earth.

Another tool that is used in conjunction with this meditation is pranic breathing. Visualizing on the inward breath that you are drawing in energy through the head from the centre of the universe, and from the centre of the earth through the feet, visualizing that both meet at the heart. On the outward breath that you send this accumulated energy to where it is needed, firstly within self, then externally so as to help heal inner, and outer kingdoms.

April 25, 2007

Inner Peace #42

As I was contemplating inner peace and what it meant, I realize another play on words, because if not written could be something entirely different.

Piece? Yes piece of what? Inner piece of gods/creators divided soul. The piece of the puzzle for the meaning of life, and why we are here! The inner piece, the divine spark within each of us. I suppose some of us would say this is our higher self, essential self. Could we even say this is who we talk to when we eventually communicate with the inner voice, our direct connection to source/creator.

If everything, and the universe, or universes is likened to a hologram and when source split it self asunder with that big bang as the universe is described by astronomers, then everything is just pieces of a broken hologram, and everything is an image of creator, all be it not as clear the smaller it gets, till I suppose till it gets down to us. We each carry different parts of the truth, seeing things differently, having different experiences to get to the same place, back to realizing who, and what we are.

So it really about us realize that we are all pieces of all that is. Pieces of his/hers consciousness, mass consciousness, and we all contribute to making it heaven, or hell. If we each try to feed the inner piece love, gratitude, and compassion we create heaven on earth, but if we feed the inner piece, anger, hate, envy, and greed I guess we get hell on earth.

So it is up to one, and what we feed the piece within us, as to what we get, how far would, or could this, spread, and could it keep on growing, and corrupting all of this creation?

But fortunately there is a fail safe plan for us, and we are/were given a chance to awaken every 24 000 years when the solar system was the closest to the grand central sun, a period of great enlightenment, as apposed to the 12 000 year point, our darkest period the furthest from the grand central sun.

There is an infusion of this energy from the grand central sun, which creates global warming, radiates our DNA/RNA which then activates, and we can awaken to the truth that we are not alone, and the we all part of all that is, never lost our connection to source, that when all the junk in our chromosomes activates we can access the subconscious mind, and abilities locked into the dormant DNA/RNA, beyond the physical, known genomes.

If the Mayans are correct, is it now 2012 that we succeed in creating heaven on earth, and that we increase our collect frequency so much so that we move beyond the frequencies of the third dimension, and is this why their calendar, and time finishes as we know it.

March 17, 2007

Norman’s Conquest #41

For those that know history, and the British empire will remember it as an era of war, and acquisition of bigger kingdom, Norman Conquest, conquest of humans by human power. This was deadly to millions of people over time, even in present day, this all recorded in our history books, as that of the conquerors.

In the beginning of my working life I was Earnest, I was earnest for money so the powers that be could take it off me, constantly battling, constantly told there is an enemy, a new enemy with every new day, new month, and new year. Have these new enemies been defeated, and do we ever attain that peace, when new ways are created for those using human power to be paid with in earnest, with what we earnest. Only because they desire more human power, with more money to achieve fictional peace with their armies, and soldiers, 'living by the sword, dying by the sword'!

Now I am going to become Frank, there is a battle over two kingdoms really! An outer kingdom, and inner kingdom, one uses human power, and the other uses spiritual power in its conquest, guess what we have to learn how to live in both kingdoms simultaneously. But through the lie of the land (human kingdom) we are only taught about one, and the other one we get to when we die, if we are lucky, and we obey the laws of the churches, organized religion. What is it they say? The civil are not organized', and the 'organized are not civil'.

So the real battle is that we are being kept from that inner kingdom now. Where does this inner kingdom reside. You don't 'feel' it. It is there, our consciousness only uses 10% of our brain, for us to live in the outer kingdom, and be aware of this outer kingdom, so assume the other 90% allows us to live in the inner kingdom. Human power use 10% DNA for our body to function in the outer kingdom. So assume spiritual power uses the other 90% 'junk' to function in the inner kingdom, when activated.

How do we achieve conquest of the inner kingdom without dying you ask? To remain in the outer kingdom you must live in fear, and hate others, and not care for anything but yourself. To open the gates to the other kingdom we must practice love and kindness by following the three principles, of care of self, care of others, and care of the land. Indigenous people understood these principles, and so existed for thousands of years till the missionaries destroyed the knowledge of the inner kingdom, and spiritual power. The history of organized religion is recorded in the Bible, and New Testament. In 329AD Council of Nice they removed 36 books, and with the Council of Trent, then they put them back. The question goes begging, the same or altered. Why were the great libraries of Alexandria, and Constantinople burnt to the ground including the books?

This battle has been going on in the western world for over 2 000 years when we were told that we could have this spiritual power, but we had to have the mind, and heart of a child to enter this inner kingdom, to use the tools to unleash this spiritual power. We already do have the tools, but we haven't been taught how to use them. Do I tell you, or let you find out for yourself?

All right, in one word, 'prayer'? You say you do that all ready! But how do you do it? Do you use thought (intent - human power), and 'feeling' (emotion - spiritual power)? What 'feelings' (emotions)? Why love, gratitude, and compassion, and then you become like the man that taught about the inner kingdom.

We do have free will, choice in which kingdom we reside, but I know I am not satisfied with one or the other, I want to be in both simultaneously, and so practice the trinity, care for self, care for others, care for the land, using both human power (thought), and spiritual power (emotions of love, gratitude, and compassion). So I know I want to be sovereign in both the kingdoms, yes my sovereign self, where everyone is equally their sovereign self! There is trust, respect, truth, and transparency in everything that is done, bringing only peace, and joy. You offer gratitude for that which has not manifested yet. In my case peace, health, and abundance!!!

It is written we will create a kingdom where the lion lays beside the lamb, so no killing you say, how will we survive? In the outer kingdom we are taught we can only survive on energy of the earth, but when you really think about it is more like this, 3 minutes with no air, 3 days with no water, three weeks with no food, and lack of sunlight gives us the SADS, and needed for our body to produce vitamins A and D, and antioxidants. So we believe the sun is harmful, but what if it isn't? The Greek philosophers taught that there were four energies, fire (sun), air, water, and earth (food), and the Chinese talk of a fifth element metal (minerals), and they need to be in balance for us to survive, so could we teach ourselves to live off just three, four. Maybe there is a way! The Red Indians used to prayer to the animal thanking it for being their food, clothing, and tools, so they used to say grace, and offer gratitude, just like we only ‘say’ grace, I think we have left the 'feeling' out of the picture, the 'big picture'. Maybe there will be some amazing new sciences, and theories to help us unlock, or tap this spiritual power.

March 14, 2007

Christs in Amnesia #40

So Christ said 'you can be like me'.

Could he see, or know something that we didn't? Was he already hinting, or straight out telling us this about two thousand years ago? Were we too asleep to get it then? Are we still too asleep to get it now?

So will Jesus walk this planet again? Maybe? But , could we be walking on this planet as christs if enough of us awaken?

Is this the time that creator (father) gives us an opportunity to become more enlightened, stop the non sense, and find common sense in everything around us, and in us.

So unless we have the heart, and mind of a child, do we enter the inner kingdom, the place where christ resides, then ultimately, if we continue growing spiritually, where god resides.

So is this how we stop being anti-christ, by going within, and start giving, and showing, unconditional love, gratitude, and compassion.

March 12, 2007

Global Warming #39

What if global wasn't caused by us? What if global warming was caused by an external energy which is of a cyclical nature, and the cycle is so long that some cultures have lost this knowledge?

What if this earth didn't just revolve around the sun, that our sun then revolved around a central point in our galaxy, then that galaxy revolved around a central point in our universe. Could this centre, be Grand Central, the origin, or source of the big bang as our astronomers hypothesize?

Don't you think that this would or could create patterns, or periods of change or upheaval?

Hindus talk about ages called yugas, this cycle they talk of takes 24 000 years, and and depending on whether we are were we are in this cycle determines whether we are closest to the Grand Centre, or the furthest, and whether we are in the Age of Darkness (furthest), or in the the Age of Enlightenment (closest). As we approach the closest point to the Grand Central point is a time of raising conscious awareness, and as we approach the furthest point is a fall in consciousness.

The other clue is the Mayan calendar, and its eras of nights, and days, and the time line ending in 2012 puzzling for academics, but they also had a knowledge of these cycles as well, but even to the meaning for us, and how we should use it. I will not go into greater detail, you can do that yourself. Search out articles, or reports, books by Carl J. Calleman Ph.D., Jose Arguelles (and Dreamspellcodex), Ian Xel Lungol. http://www.mayanmajix.com/calendar.html

How did Jesus know that he would return in 2 000 years time? Remember the rumours of where he was before returning to be the Messiah. He was rumoured to have studied in the mystery schools of Tibet, and India. So he most probably knew that this was part of his mission or soul purpose to return to the land of his birth.

Scientist have been studying our weather patterns though examining very old trees, and cores from glacial ice, but if it melts then the locked information is lost.

There are studies, and finding from these studies being published that the other planets in our solar system are also going through the process of global warming, and we haven't polluted them, or played a part in any of that, have we?

Anti-Christ #38

So What is it? So how does it happen? It happens when we are 'anti-christ'! We are in a state of non sense! We are not acknowledging that the kingdom of god is within us, that we are not part of god, and that we are not all one! We become anti-christ when we give up our sovereignty, or free will, we allow others to use our power in our name.

The talk of the new world order is one government, one economy, one army, one religion, is all about non-sense, not common sense. This disconnects us from christ, keeps us from ever reaching the inner kingdom where christ resides, so no sense that we are all part of creator god, and that we are all one.

Organized religion tells us heaven, and god are external, out, or up somewhere. They also tell by following them will we be saved. No emphasis on why he said you can be like me, and the father and I are one. Why not?

Globalist control the economy, control the food chain, control the atmosphere, control our media, and no doubt control lots of things we are not even aware exist. We live in a state of fear, no peace, especially inner peace, we need money to live, and survive on this planet.

We are gradually changing from being self sustainable, and sufficient, individually, communally, nationally, and globally. All part of the non sense to keep us in the outer kingdom wanting to survive physically, thinking just materially, and not thinking spiritually.

How do we stop the rise of the anti-christ. We all individually have to get back to having common sense, a mass consciousness through the sum (and some) of our thoughts getting back the basics of principles of caring for self, others, and the land. Without those three things, and the true essence of christianity the anti-christ will rise up using the power we let him have, and the prophecy of our destruction will have been achieved.

Who could be the anti-christ? Anybody who wants everyones power for himself, anyone who denies everyone’s free will, and sovereignty.

In my study of christianity the things that stand out are the following as milestones, not millstones:

1. God is everywhere.

2. The kingdom of god is within.

3. Unless you have the heart and mind of a child can you enter the kingdom of heaven.

4. You can do as I do, and more.

5. Love others as you would have them love you.

6. The father and I are one.

March 09, 2007

Earth Changes? #37

You've read this far, and you realize that god is everywhere, meaning that everything is a sentient being, god is in everything! So is this why we call this planet 'Mother Earth'?

If she is a sentient being then 'unless she changes direction she will get to where she is going'! The experts think she will be uninhabitable soon. So if she is a sentient being she has realized that those living on her surface aren't offering gratitude for her abundance, but are misusing those gifts. We see that we are not encouraged to care for her surface, her atmosphere, her water, and her inhabitants.

Most indigenous people's of this planet cared for her, and lived on her surface for centuries. When this was changed from an attitude of caring to one of greed we see a state of non-sense replacing common-sense. What has happened to these indigenous peoples?

Were they converted to Christianity, driven off their land, killed through disease, and bullets? It is the era of the multinational, the emphasis from many to the few, not the good of the many but the few.

The universal principle of care of self, others, and the land is being ignored, and definitely discouraged, and denied. Many are stuck, and forced into caring just for self! So the multinationals are polluting the land, the air, the water, and the kingdom of god (this includes our own kingdom of god, our bodies) with their toxic wastes.

What if 'Mother Earth' cannot wait for us to awaken to the meaning of life, and our soul purpose? Like animals in the wild who buck, jump into water, and roll around to dislodge unwelcome parasites, I think 'Mother Earth" will do the same to dislodge those who have not 'chosen' not in a 'state of grace' (is this what the 'rapture' really is, the state of bliss) to have common-sense, and the realization that they are 'one with everything', part of 'all that is', in maintaining the balance between self, others, and land in oneness.

Are you one of the Chosen People, chosen to be one with ALL THAT IS, returning to source, back to being one with the creator, and part of the creator?

February 25, 2007

The Second Coming #36

There was always talk of Christ's second coming! Will it happen, or was the meaning misinterpreted?

If we can be like Christ, who are we waiting for? I can only surmise that we are waiting for ourselves to awaken to get here, or there!

How do we do it? Is the saying then true that 'god helps those that helps themselves'? How do we do it? Is it that trinity 'thoughts, words, and deeds'?

Is it really up to us, we have to learn to create heaven on earth through mass consciousness and the power of one (individually and collectively), creating it for the many, not the few, in other words for EVERYONE! Starting off individually, then communally, nationally, globally, galactically, universally, for all that is?

"E. Pluribus Unum" - From many, one.


February 07, 2007

What about the Children? #35

So I was a teacher?

A fellow spiritual teacher had given me a message over two years ago saying that I should be working with children again. I investigated the possibilities, but I had a three year diploma from another state, not a four year diploma, so it meant I had to do a refresher, and enter their world of non-sense once again. Having to pay them to teach me non-sense once again felt cruel, especially when parents were deferring their responsibility to me, and the government. The Wizards of OZ (those behind the curtain) expecting me to teach the children HIS-story. This is conqueror's story, their justification for all their wars, and conflict. As we know there are always two sides to it, and is it the truth, or their lie that is perpetuated? You must also realize that the Wizards of OZ never get blood on their hands! We do!

I hadn't seen or spoken to this fellow spiritual teacher for those two years. Just recently we had a talk, and in conversation I was asked whether I was working with children. No was the answer! Thinking about it a couple of weeks later my answer would have been yes!

What children? 'Children of God' of course, those who haven't reached atonement (at-one-ment) and not awakened or able to exercise their free will, or choice, unaware that there is no separation between themselves and creator. That they once again must have the mind, voice, and heart of a child to reconnect with god, his kingdom, and be able to communicate with him/her by going within, and realizing that essential self, higher self is really god self. This being their direct line to god, we hear what we need to hear to grow spiritually. When you learn the lessons you no longer are a child but a master of your own destiny, a powerful being, tapping into the power of love, 'the force' that is found throughout the universe, through all of creation, nothing can exist without it. They reconnect with creator source, and become part of 'All That Is'. They are no longer children, having graduated, and moved to the next level of study, and higher learning.

Let's look beyond the words #34

Lords Prayer (King James version - as written then)

Our father which art in heauen(1)(2)(4), hallowed be thy name(1)(2)(4)(6).
Thy kingdome come(3). Thy will be done(4), in earth(1), as it is in heauen(2).
Giue vs this day our daily bread(5).
And forgiue vs our debts(6), as we forgiue our debters(6).
And lead vs not into temptation(3), but deliuer vs from euill(5)(6): For thine is the kingdome(2), and the power(5), and the glory(4), for euer(4), Amen.


My references to the footnotes are as I see them, each phrase of the the prayer may even have more added meaning, but this just gives you an idea how deep the meaning is, going beyond the words, though they are as if written in third person, but if you look at, and interpret them, and add the meaning to the words, it certainly enhances the meaning, that the words don't apply to god the father, but others, and most importantly yourself.

So if you have been taught to fear god you are fearing yourself, and others, and this is the way to hell on earth, not heaven on earth

Have you seen the third Xmen movie, did some one use the lords prayer as a tool to do his magic, or transformation? Fact or fiction? Is it truth disguised as fiction. How about Star Wars, and may 'the force' be with you?


1. God is everywhere, in everything
2. The kingdom of god is within
3. You cannot enter the kingdom of god unless you have the mind, and heart of a child.
4. God the father and I are one.
5. You can do as I do, and more.
6. Love and care for others as you would yourself

January 31, 2007

Am I Misguided? #33

These are the things that helped me discern the teachings of Jesus for myself.

1. God is everywhere, in everything.
2. The kingdom of god is within.
3. You cannot enter the kingdom of god unless you have the mind, and heart of a child.
4. God the father and I are one.
5. You can do as I do, and more.
6. Love and care for others as you would yourself.

So what do these six things mean to you? Is this nonsense, or misdirection, or is this the heart and the essence of his epiphany after fasting for forty days and forty nights in the desert?

Accordingly there is more than one path to reach heaven, there are billions, and billions, as there are people on this planet. If the kingdom of god is within, then it depends on what is in people's hearts. So what is in peoples hearts? Is it love, or is it hate? Isn't this what creates a state of heaven or hell?

If people are followers of Jesus in a church are they misguided, in a state of non sense? So how do they achieve a state of common sense, and knowing the truth?

We can each come to this belief by following different paths, different messiahs, to realize we all can be masters of our destiny, as I like to say it depends on one's thought singularly (individually as one), and universally (collectively as one), realizing it is only about Love, Gratitude, and Compassion. Aren't we all trying to get to the same place? Bryce Courtney writes it so well in his book 'The Power of One'!

We have to realize that it is a battle for kingdoms. There are those in power that don't want us in the inner kingdom (heaven), in a state of common sense, but want us stuck in the outer kingdom (hell), and a state non-sense, unknowing that god is in everyone, and we don't have to go looking for him anywhere else, that we can talk to god by going within, by making our connection with our heart, unknowingly we are all one with god, a part of god's divided soul.

January 08, 2007

Can you be an 'indigo'? #32

The way I look at it every one has the potential to be an indigo.

Let me state some facts :

1. We only use 10 percent of our brain consciously, the rest is subconscious, and of what use is it, no expert can really say, they haven't been there yet!
2. Geneticists have mapped our DNA, they only know what 10% is used for, they consider the other 90% junk.

My conclusion is that this does have a special use, but we have to learn how to activate it.

The Gospels of Jesus do leave some clues if you can go beyond the words:

1. You can do as I do, and more.
2. Unless you have the heart, and mind of a child can you enter the kingdom of god.
3. Kingdom of god is within.
4. The father and I are one.
5. God is everywhere
6. Love and care for others as you would yourself

So are these archaic instructions for turning on the junk DNA, and so what potential was being alluded to?

This info has been available to mankind for two thousand years, and all we have had in that time was religious persecution, (especially if it differed from Catholicism) of any group that tried to teach and put something like this into practice.

The fact that anything different was destroyed goes to show me that it was a threat to their original sin, they wanted us to feel guilty, otherwise we would not live in fear.

They did not want us to get to the inner kingdom, the source of inner peace, 'never never land' where we can have happy thoughts! They did not want us to realize we are all children of god, because we are all made in his image, so we are one and the same, that there is no separation from us and god, god is everywhere! Do we have to spend lifetimes remembering this?