February 25, 2007

The Second Coming #36

There was always talk of Christ's second coming! Will it happen, or was the meaning misinterpreted?

If we can be like Christ, who are we waiting for? I can only surmise that we are waiting for ourselves to awaken to get here, or there!

How do we do it? Is the saying then true that 'god helps those that helps themselves'? How do we do it? Is it that trinity 'thoughts, words, and deeds'?

Is it really up to us, we have to learn to create heaven on earth through mass consciousness and the power of one (individually and collectively), creating it for the many, not the few, in other words for EVERYONE! Starting off individually, then communally, nationally, globally, galactically, universally, for all that is?

"E. Pluribus Unum" - From many, one.


February 07, 2007

What about the Children? #35

So I was a teacher?

A fellow spiritual teacher had given me a message over two years ago saying that I should be working with children again. I investigated the possibilities, but I had a three year diploma from another state, not a four year diploma, so it meant I had to do a refresher, and enter their world of non-sense once again. Having to pay them to teach me non-sense once again felt cruel, especially when parents were deferring their responsibility to me, and the government. The Wizards of OZ (those behind the curtain) expecting me to teach the children HIS-story. This is conqueror's story, their justification for all their wars, and conflict. As we know there are always two sides to it, and is it the truth, or their lie that is perpetuated? You must also realize that the Wizards of OZ never get blood on their hands! We do!

I hadn't seen or spoken to this fellow spiritual teacher for those two years. Just recently we had a talk, and in conversation I was asked whether I was working with children. No was the answer! Thinking about it a couple of weeks later my answer would have been yes!

What children? 'Children of God' of course, those who haven't reached atonement (at-one-ment) and not awakened or able to exercise their free will, or choice, unaware that there is no separation between themselves and creator. That they once again must have the mind, voice, and heart of a child to reconnect with god, his kingdom, and be able to communicate with him/her by going within, and realizing that essential self, higher self is really god self. This being their direct line to god, we hear what we need to hear to grow spiritually. When you learn the lessons you no longer are a child but a master of your own destiny, a powerful being, tapping into the power of love, 'the force' that is found throughout the universe, through all of creation, nothing can exist without it. They reconnect with creator source, and become part of 'All That Is'. They are no longer children, having graduated, and moved to the next level of study, and higher learning.

Let's look beyond the words #34

Lords Prayer (King James version - as written then)

Our father which art in heauen(1)(2)(4), hallowed be thy name(1)(2)(4)(6).
Thy kingdome come(3). Thy will be done(4), in earth(1), as it is in heauen(2).
Giue vs this day our daily bread(5).
And forgiue vs our debts(6), as we forgiue our debters(6).
And lead vs not into temptation(3), but deliuer vs from euill(5)(6): For thine is the kingdome(2), and the power(5), and the glory(4), for euer(4), Amen.


My references to the footnotes are as I see them, each phrase of the the prayer may even have more added meaning, but this just gives you an idea how deep the meaning is, going beyond the words, though they are as if written in third person, but if you look at, and interpret them, and add the meaning to the words, it certainly enhances the meaning, that the words don't apply to god the father, but others, and most importantly yourself.

So if you have been taught to fear god you are fearing yourself, and others, and this is the way to hell on earth, not heaven on earth

Have you seen the third Xmen movie, did some one use the lords prayer as a tool to do his magic, or transformation? Fact or fiction? Is it truth disguised as fiction. How about Star Wars, and may 'the force' be with you?


1. God is everywhere, in everything
2. The kingdom of god is within
3. You cannot enter the kingdom of god unless you have the mind, and heart of a child.
4. God the father and I are one.
5. You can do as I do, and more.
6. Love and care for others as you would yourself