I have been learning to suppress my response ability of how I react to what is happening in this reality as we know it, so in other words I am changing the way I am looking at people, and the world, not trying to change the world, but changing the way I look at the world. I thought I knew everything about enlightenment, and ascension but I discovered there was more!
I have also found I have come full circle, and back to Christian teachings of the new testament, and finding that they really had the answers there all along, but finding them in the parts not emphasized. But after studying lots of other paths, masters, and even religions certain teachings just jumped out at me, and I had a few ah ha moments, or as they say epiphanies.
I am going to share them again:
The father and I are one, the kingdom of god is within, unless you have the heart and mind of a child can you enter the kingdom, you can do as I do and more, god is everywhere, do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.Catholics make the sign of the cross while saying 'father, son, and holy ghost' was another epiphany for me and out popped the thought Creator, created, and wholly(Holy) spirit. So this then got me to the point of the two sense worth. They being non sense, and common sense. I further came to the conclusion that they are two different minds, non sense being ego mind, and common sense being right mind
The only conclusion from this was we are spirit having a human experience trying to remember who we are, and all related by being part of spirit, so we are one, with the power of one, what we do to one we do to ALL. So everyone is just another multi dimensional version of spirit, and me, so what ever they do I must forgive them.
Forgive them father for they know not what they doSo this is why I have been very quiet for a couple of years, till now, but I have been reading. So I was having some very real forgiveness opportunities (FO), and some unsolicited forgiveness opportunities (UFO)as well.
So what triggered this radical change? Just by chance I was attending a fortnightly workshop at our local community health center called 'tools for life', run by a very enlightened matron of the local hospital. The town is quite small, less than a thousand residents. Every fortnight she would put out books, dvd's and cd's to borrow. One session she put out six copies of 'The Disappearance Of The Universe' written by Gary. R. Renard, and that book just put everything together for me. It so put things together, that friends, and like minded acquaintances have been receiving gifts of the book. I also realized that I knew, and had been doing some of theses things some of the time, but not all of the time.
A quick review of the book, the author was visited by two ascended master who started to say they wanted to elaborate on the book "A Course in Miracles", and the reason for it, and they explain it in very simple understandable language, and Gary was asked to write as fiction, not as non fiction. So they say that the quickest way to leave this illusion 3d is to practice forgiveness, and in forgiving others you are forgiving yourself because we are all wholly spirit.
So there is my two sense worth, and yes I know that family is the hardest to awaken, as well as the people in your life, be they friends, work colleagues, but they are the best forgiveness opportunity as well. We shouldn't judge others for their lack of enlightenment, because we are one, and as there is only time as we know it in this outer kingdom, when we get back to source, wholly spirit merged with source we will realize we are all together, we were never apart. As Gary writes, and the course says, it was just a crazy idea that separated us from GOD. So non sense, ego mind, is the outer kingdom separate from GOD, and the inner kingdom is common sense, right mind, and the inner kingdom, one with Holy Spirit, and GOD.